Submission Details

- Elite League

3min 3sec 230ms avec Intel Core i9 14900K (8P) à 8348MHz

Position dans le classement


WR Rank:

8th sur un total de 8970


Classement général:

8th sur un total de 8970


Core i9 14900K (8P) classement:

Cup Bronze 3rd sur un total de 48

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
SuperPi - 32M screenshot
ROG Maximus Z790 Apex Encore
ROG Maximus Z790 Apex Encore
Trident Z5 RGB
Trident Z5  RGB

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

  • Capacité: 120GB (AHCI)

Détails alimentation

  • Fabricant: Enermax
  • Alimentation: 1 200 Watt

Commentaires récents

Japanfredyama a commenté son propre score:

Many thanks to all ROG members, ROG OC Team, ElmorLabs & G.Skill for your awesome support.

Indonesiaspeed.fastest dit :

Wow great WR!

TaPaKaH dit :

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while :)

PolandXtreme Addict dit :

Awesome to see you bench again Fredyama-San :) 

Swedenelmor dit :

Best score! It was great to see you again Fred-san ?

Hondurasmasterbitz dit :

congratulations, excellent work

United StatesSparkysAdventure dit :

Welcome back from your 6-year hiatus :)

Australiaunityofsaints dit :

What is this, a WR for ants? Cool to see Fredyama-San back in the game though.

Serbiad0minat0r dit :

Fred-san back in town!

Netherlandskaliz dit :


Japanfredyama dit :

Thank you, all! So nice to be back again to OC after my health problems & COVID-19 pandemic. Surely enjoyed the ROG OC Gathering as always.

MontenegroPerica_barii dit :

Great one for sure, happy to see you still doing OC Fredyama, and I might say on highest level !!!

United Statestwopaca dit :


ChinaMicka dit :

Pi master,very miss you!

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