Roman Hartung ("der8auer")
Roman is one of the new owners of HWBOT with one mission: to preserve and improve the site that has given him years of overclocking enjoyment. Roman is the one to contact regarding advertisement, competition or sponsorship deals. |
Albrecht Mesotten (“Leeghoofd”)
Albrecht has stepped in the footsteps of Websmile and Christian Ney, becoming the Head Moderator and Competition designer of HWBOT. Want to host a Competition or report a score? Albrecht is the person to contact. |
Matthew Bush (“Bilko”)
Matthew is one of the many volunteers at HWBOT. This AMD specialist from Down Under reinforced the Moderation Team of HWBOT in 2020. He's taking a break and focussing together with keeph8n on the HWBOT Discord server |
George Windey (“GeorgeStorm”)
George is assisting Leeghoofd and Bilko in cleaning up incomplete and invalid scores in the HWBOT submission database. |
Gregor Muench (“Strunkenbold”)
Gregor is one of the two thriving forces that keep the HWBOT Database up to date. Especially an expert on older legacy hardware. If you have some obscure hardware that you want to see listed or are requesting a newer motherboard or processor to be added, Gregor will be your point of contact. |
Alexander Pafatnov (“Antinomy”)
Antinomy is our 2nd Database expert that continuously keeps everything up to date in the ever growing HWBOT database. If you spot an error in the database, he’s the right person to get in touch with. |
Michael Keilholz
Michael was together with Christian Ney one of the key head moderators and Competition Designers at HWBOT. Nowadays he watches over the Community Forum and especially the Sales section. |
Daniel Richter (“DonDan”)
Daniel is together with Michael one of the Community Forum Moderators. Battling daily with Spam Bots and inappropriate content. |
Mike Nees (“keeph8n”)
Mike started the LN2 Haven Discord server and decided to make it the Official HWBOT Discord server. Lots of OC chit chat, a warm place to share experiences, volt modifications, talk to the streamers, benchmark developers and much much more. |
Community LeadershipThroughout its lifetime, HWBOT could never have become what it is today without the help of countless volunteers helping out primarily with moderating the incoming benchmark results, but also maintaining the hardware database and managing the forums. It is thanks to the volunteer staff that we can continue to develop this site and guide this organization to new opportunities. HWBOT was founded by the overclocking community, and will always be led by that community. The Volunteer Managing Staff is ready for any challenge ahead and relies on the will and enthusiasm of the many HWBOT staff members to help build HWBOT. Feel free to contact any of the Volunteer Managing Staff in case of concerns. HWBOT GmbH |