Submission Details


- Extreme League

2710 cb mit Intel Core i9 9900K at 6203MHz

Ranglisten Position


Globaler 8x CPU Rang:


Core i9 9900K Rang:

93rd von 329

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


Cinebench - R15 screenshot
ROG Maximus X Apex
ROG Maximus X Apex

Hardware Details

CPU Details

Arbeitsspeicher Details

VGA Details

Mainboard Details

Festplatten Details

  • Kapazität: 256GB (AHCI)
  • Serie: 840 Pro Series SSD (S4LN021X01 controller)

Netzteil Details

Neueste Kommentare

United Kommentierte sein eigenes Ergebnis:

Starting to get the hang of this ln2 stuff... I mean, wasting tons but it'll come with experience.

Israelshar00750 sagt:

Good luck , you will enjoy from every minute !

United sagt:

Three things I've realized so far is:

1) the size of the pot should be considered seriously because the smaller it is the less time you have between pouring the LN2 and when you are a noob like me you are doing everything slower because of lack of practice/experience (which by the way, I suddenly have a new respect for those who do CPU and GPU at the same time and a super crazy amount of respect for those doing stuff like quad-sli!)


2) there is such a thing as too cold when you're a noob and all sorts of things need to be tweaked the colder you go.


3) As you've said - it's fun as hell!




United KingdomGeorgeStorm sagt:

Great to see you get into the cold stuff! :D

United sagt:

No turning back now! Now I just need to get either a bigger dewar (current one is 10L) or another one because just when I think I'm starting to get things figured out I run out of gas! Those things aren't cheap but feel free to point in the right direction - like - is there a website that sells pre-owned/second hand/used or is Ebay my best bet?

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