Submission Details


- Enthusiast League

39min 10sec 984ms avec Intel Pentium M 1700MHz à 2306MHz

Position dans le classement


Global 1x CPU classement:


Pentium M 1700MHz classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 7

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
wPrime - 1024m screenshot

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Commentaires récents

SwedenTSdiesel dit :

p4p800 se 865 chipset

Strunkenbold dit :

AFAIK all p4p800s where 848 Chipset. Sure you picked the right one? Im actually not sure if this board exists at all.

dit : - P4P800-se i865 - P4P800s-se i848P

There's a bug in database. Motherboard in this submission is P4P800-se with i865P I think.

Strunkenbold dit :

There is _maybe_ a bug. It depends if exists or not.

The other question is, does a P4P800 SE Deluxe exists? (I heavily doubt)

I could be wrong, but I think TSdiesel choose the wrong motherboard.

dit :

I think:

1. P4P800 SE Deluxe doesn't exist

2. P4P800S-E exists (the TSdiesel's motherboard)

3. There's a bug in HWB database (Change chipset i848p to i865pe )


These are mine thoughts which seemed the most reasonable.

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