Submission Details


- Elite League

24277 marks avec 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan à 1016/1677MHz

Position dans le classement


Global 2x GPU classement:


2x GeForce GTX Titan classement:

34th sur un total de 60

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
3DMark11 - Performance screenshot
Rampage IV Formula
Rampage IV Formula

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

Netherlandsrsnubje a commenté son propre score:

Thanks to Hardware.Info

DenmarkNicklas0912 dit :

Someone is worng with your system, the CPU score is bad for 5Ghz. mabye a new OS ?

Netherlandsnedernakker dit :

his memory runs at low frequency with crap timings, physics score also depends on which version of 3dmark 11 you are running. next to that this OS is not optimized for benching, it is a review os with lots of extra games/apps installed on it

Netherlandsrsnubje dit :

What he said ;)

Farjam dit :

ES Cpu ?

Netherlandsrsnubje dit :

It appears so, yes.

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