Submission Details


- Extreme League

6min 24sec 480ms avec Intel Xeon W3540 à 5620.9MHz

Position dans le classement


Classement général:


Xeon W3540 classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 73

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
SuperPi - 32M screenshot

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

  • Modèle: Intel Xeon W3540 'Bloomfield'
  • Refroidissement: Liquid Nitrogen
  • Cores: 5 620,9MHz(+91.64%)

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

  • Refroidissement: Air (Stock)
  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

Canada3oh6 a commenté son propre score:

Xeon W3540 w/k|ngp|n F1EE & LN2 @ 5621MHz // EVGA X58 SLI Classified // OCZ Blade PC3-17000 @ 977MHz 6-7-6-18 // Corsair HX1000W

Russian FederationTerraRaptor dit : - result being discussed. What the hell is that PCIE card? why it has PS/2 mouse cable coming in and out?

Germanyground dit :

2 hours ago, TerraRaptor said: - result being discussed. What the hell is that PCIE card? why it has PS/2 mouse cable coming in and out?

maybe its a monitor with integrated PS/2 ports and thus its just a weird VGA cable? The card looks like some generic PCI GPU to me...

Russian FederationTerraRaptor dit :

31 minutes ago, ground1556 said:

maybe its a monitor with integrated PS/2 ports and thus its just a weird VGA cable?

Thanks, very reasonable explanation. 

Russian FederationAntinomy dit :

LOL, it's just a simple 2*PS/2+VGA KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switch )))

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