Rankings and Points
Global 64 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
60.3 Points
Ryzen Threadripper 7980X
Team Power Rank
5.9 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7980X Storm Peak Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 6,263.89 MHz (+95.75%)
Zeta R5
65536 MB
Speed @ 3,200 MHz
CL30.0 37-32-32 1T

2.47v ??
lol, benchmate seems to generate random numbers on AM5/TR5 with manual OC for some reason. Real voltage is CPUz voltage + .14 I think.
I didnt think it would really need that much! lol im not too familiar with TR platform tho so i didnt know what normal vid's were
Most unreadable screenshot ever
Is your monitor for ants? :p
You can always right-click on the image, then open in new tab and zoom in.
Sure or I could fly to the U.S. and check out the screen in person. Point being, there is 0 reason to bench on 4K or ultrawide and even if you do you can reduce the res...
Here are several reasons
- he has a 4K, he wants to use it
- to piss off @unityofsaints (bonus points - there is BM on the screenshot)
- everything in 'Murica is big
- because why not
Jokes aside, sometimes I bench on my main monitor (2K), just because it is more convenient, especially if it is the current 24/7 system and I'm benching on the chiller. And main reason - because I am lazy.
But doesn't a lower resolution make windows and text bigger so your logic is inverted! Checkmate ?
I bench on my daily setup with a capture card, and I use a LG CX 48 as my main monitor, so 4K is super readable.
With no drivers installed, you can’t change the resolution, and changing the scaling messed with some programs especially OCTool, though I have a solution to that, and a way to force 1440p, I just didn’t bother because the extra resolution makes it easy to have hwinfo (3 tabs wide), cpuz, oc tool, and cinebench all open, since hitting positive temps on this platform is real and I wanted to see how bad it was sometimes (across 64 or 96 cores)
Besides, the scaling on the benchmate window makes it the same percent size as on a 1080p monitor, making it equally easy to get all the info.
(PS pro tip, to fix how windows scaling applies to HWINFO and OCTool, right click the exe, properties, compatibility tab, high DPI settings, change the bottom dropdown to System (Enhanced). I usually do just bench with 150% scaling)
Hey SEBY! I need your help. How to activate HPET on this platform? Which setting in BIOS is responsible for it?
Disable secure boot, disable redfish, disable TPM (set discrete TPM). Sometimes after doing this you will get the error again after a hard reboot, so just try to enable tpm/redfish and disable again later. Don't do bcdedit /set useplatfomclock , it will make the os slower and is not needed.
Thank you, SEBY.
Dear Seby, Well, I do not know why but my option Enable Discrete TPM changes to ENable Firmware TPM everytime I re-enter the BIOS. Any idea why is it jumping back? Redfish is off. I'd like to ask you a question about Secure Boot: it should be "Custom"? And then the OS Type should be left as "Windows UEFI mode" or should I change it to "Other OS"?
Other OS, and don’t worry about it I guess.
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