Submission Details


- Elite League

4min 1sec 455ms with Intel Core i3 12300 at 6730MHz

Ranking position


Global rank:


Core i3 12300 rank:

Cup Gold 1st out of 6

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Media gallery

SuperPi - 32M screenshot
ROG Maximus Z790 Apex
ROG Maximus Z790 Apex
Verification URL, image, checksum

Hardware details

CPU details

Memory details

  • Type: 32768MB DDR5 SDRAM
  • Speed: @ 3,231MHz
  • Timings: CL30.0 39-39-32 2T

VGA details

  • Speed: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Mainboard details

Disk details

Power details

Recent Comments

Russian FederationTerraRaptor says:

What a strong clocks! Great one.

United StatesSeby says:

I got a run in with "7.3 GHz" actually and really strong mem settings, but the effective turned out being a bit lower, seems like a big issue with these chips when really pushing them, similar to the 8GHz "trick", but it seems like Intel didn't fix it properly on the locked chips.

BelgiumMassman says:

6 hours ago, Seby9123 said:

I got a run in with "7.3 GHz" actually and really strong mem settings, but the effective turned out being a bit lower, seems like a big issue with these chips when really pushing them, similar to the 8GHz "trick", but it seems like Intel didn't fix it properly on the locked chips.

Did you set FLL OC mode manually?

United StatesSeby says:

Yep, I tried Normal (now called Ratio OC) and Extreme Elevated (now called BCLK OC), didn't make a difference at all. 

Also just noticed that my valid at the time, which was just the usual unchecked, now shows as rejected. and

Idk if this is cuz leeghoofd told cpu-z about these subs or if over time it was eventually "checked"

BelgiumMassman says:


Yea, FLL OC Mode to enable high OC frequency is only supported from ucode 0x12. So not supported in the 0x9 ucode you're using for non-K OC. That's probably why setting it in BIOS doesn't do anything.

As far as I know, CPU-Z has server-side checks for FLL and microcode to ensure the proper configuration is used for validations (to weed out any of those false high frequencies). My guess is that your validation got blocked because it lacks the proper ucode/FLL OC configuration (not because someone manually intervened).

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