Submission Details


- Apprentice League

3.18 fps avec Intel Pentium G3258 à 5498.7MHz

Position dans le classement


WR Rank:

3699th sur un total de 4350


Global 2x CPU classement:

245th sur un total de 499


Pentium G3258 classement:

7th sur un total de 43

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k screenshot
URL, image ou code de vérification

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Commentaires récents

United Statesredux a commenté son propre score:

Quick run at the end of the session. Set 1.6Vcore/2.3VIN. binned G3258 // delidded, bartx IHS, KPx over and under // Dice + Acetone + K|NGP|N T-Rex sealed w/ 3-1/2"/3-11/16" o-ring // binned Corsair Dominator Platinum 2400C9. CPU is best of 28 and counting, 5.0 1.41V 32M AIO before delid.

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