Submission Details


- Elite League

4589 marks avec Intel GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) à MHz

Position dans le classement


Global 1x GPU classement:


GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33) classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 119

Points earned for overclocker league

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3DMark03 screenshot
GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33)
GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33)

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Commentaires récents

ObscureParadox a commenté son propre score:

Ran out of time to run 01 and Aqua

Australiaunityofsaints dit :

Interesting. Is the iGPU overclockable at all or is it all in CPU/mem?

ObscureParadox dit :

All CPU and Mem mate, even then it's not straight forward ???

Ukrainemoi_kot_lybit_moloko dit :


United Statesyosarianilives dit :

6 hours ago, unityofsaints said:

Interesting. Is the iGPU overclockable at all or is it all in CPU/mem?


6 hours ago, ObscureParadox said:

All CPU and Mem mate, even then it's not straight forward ???

Gpu is overclockable but it's weird. Basically stock the gpu always runs at a certain frequency, I think 400 mhz, no matter the cpu you put in. What it does is has a divider or multi which is selected by the stock FSb, so lower stock FSb means higher multi. It then increases with FSb, although no sensor shows that. There is also no way to set this multi aside from changing the cpu or perhaps doing a bsel mod. Memory also has a huge impact on score, especially mhz because most boards give you extremely limited timing controls. 

But anyways this way that it scales with FSb despite no reading showing it would be why cpu oc seems to increase score a lot. I had to read through documentation from Intel with the help of mickulty to figure out how clocks work for Gma. 

ObscureParadox dit :

I've tested the theory that's it's a multi based off stock FSB with both a 200 and 133 FSB chip and it's 100% not based off that. Besides you need the core clock speed to go along with the FSB and ram speed here. This wasn't an easy win but I think I could go a lot further with a better board, this was the absolute limit of the board. 

Or at least if its initially based off that the a 400FSB E2180 was a lot lot slower than a 400FSB E8500 at the same ram and CPU multiplier :)

United KingdomNoxinite dit :

I also saw no divider changes in perf.

Canadagtxx58 dit :

And i need to rebench ? Nice take down! 

United Statesyosarianilives dit :

Interesting as I have seen it where lower chips can't push FSb as hard but score is almost the same until mem goes higher with higher FSb. 

Russian FederationTerraRaptor dit :

There was a tool named GMAbooster that was able to control/monitor "multi" of iGPU (not sure if it applies to g31). Actually, the clock should be locked with desktop chipsets and is independent of FSB. The boost we get with cpu clock is probably because some of the 3D functions are done through software path (like software vertext shaders in earlier GMA generations).

I was benching 945g+fatbodies recently, chipset is extremely sensitive to voltage and doesn't allow tight timings though mem itself is capable of tight timings if I use external VGA. Sadly, 2.5v vNB was too hot to get golds so I gave up.

United Statesyosarianilives dit :

10 hours ago, TerraRaptor said:

There was a tool named GMAbooster that was able to control/monitor "multi" of iGPU (not sure if it applies to g31). Actually, the clock should be locked with desktop chipsets and is independent of FSB. The boost we get with cpu clock is probably because some of the 3D functions are done through software path (like software vertext shaders in earlier GMA generations).

I was benching 945g+fatbodies recently, chipset is extremely sensitive to voltage and doesn't allow tight timings though mem itself is capable of tight timings if I use external VGA. Sadly, 2.5v vNB was too hot to get golds so I gave up.

That Gma booster tool basically set mobile chipset to run at desktop clocks, it essentially just set a register. Mobile was at like 200 mhz so boosted it to 400 mhz 

United KingdomNoxinite dit :

Yes, GMABooster did nothing for me on desktop.

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