Submission Details

- Extreme League

48sec 266ms mit Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz (Prescott) at 5106MHz

Ranglisten Position


WR Rang:

18381st von 21107


Globaler 1x CPU Rang:

632nd von 2890


Pentium 4 3.0GHz (Prescott) Rang:

Cup Gold 1st von 136

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


wPrime - 32m screenshot

Hardware Details

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  • Geschwindigkeit: Mhz / Mhz (Bestand)

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Neueste Kommentare

Russian FederationAntinomy Kommentierte sein eigenes Ergebnis:

Team Not Exact in Round bench session in Novosibirsk. Results dedicated to our friends moi_kot_lybit_moloko, TerraRaptor and Zombie568 who couldn't join us. CPU scales very strange, only slight advantage over cold water.

Australiaunityofsaints sagt:

Very very nice! Is this on a native 478 DDR2 board or via 775 adapter?

Russian FederationAntinomy sagt:

Thank you. It's done with an adapter. A very stubborn thing to use.

Chinawytiwx sagt:

Well, it is not so strange, since you saw my 5.2GH by LN2 and your 5.1GHz by cool water years ago ?

Russian FederationAntinomy sagt:

On 5/11/2022 at 10:25 AM, wytiwx said:

since you saw my 5.2GH by LN2 and your 5.1GHz by cool water years ago

IIRC, it's 5.4 and 5.2 accordingly :)

I thought they should scale much more under LN2. Maybe I need to try another sample, maybe just find the right settings.

TaPaKaH sagt:

Many CPUs have an FSB wall. Much like Conroes do (where lowering multi allows to expose it). That's why you see little scaling.

Russian FederationAntinomy sagt:

11 hours ago, TaPaKaH said:

Many CPUs have an FSB wall.

Any info on this? Which CPUs besides Core2, how to check this and so on?

TaPaKaH sagt:

Netburst have it. It's easy to see if you have an unlocked one. It's also relatively easy to observe when your max suicide clocks are only 20-30 MHz higher than your 32M clocks irrespective of voltage.

Russian FederationZFeSS sagt:

17 hours ago, TaPaKaH said:

Many CPUs have an FSB wall

Does FSB wall scales on cold like on Core2? And have you seen negative scaling after some point?

TaPaKaH sagt:

They scale anywhere between 0 and 30 MHz. Haven't seen negative scaling.

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