Submission Details


- Enthusiast league

434.5 MHz with Aopen i45GMt-HR at 434.5MHz

Ranking position


WR Rank:

956th out of 2876


Global rank:

956th out of 2876


i45GMt-HR rank:

Cup Gold 1st out of 3

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Media gallery

verfication image
Verification URL, image, checksum

Hardware details

CPU details

Memory details

VGA details

Mainboard details

Disk details

Power details

Recent Comments

FranceTheQuentincc says:

Hi, I have the same motherboard and I want to overclock it, I'm ready to do hardware mod but I don't where to start and what I need to mod.

Can you tell me on what I need to focus? (especially to not have locked multiplier and to increase the FSB without software but only hardware)

Also, if you have some datasheet that can help me it would be greatly appreciable.

Thanks for all :jap:

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