Submission Details


- Elite League

5sec 406ms mit Intel Core i7 3770K at 6664MHz

Ranglisten Position


WR Rang:

412th von 14927


Globale Rangliste

412th von 14927


Core i7 3770K Rang:

118th von 670

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


SuperPi - 1M screenshot

Hardware Details

CPU Details

Arbeitsspeicher Details

  • Manufacturer: G.SKILL
  • Typ: 3453MB DDR3 SDRAM
  • Geschwindigkeit: @ 1.182Mhz
  • Timings: CL8.0 11-8-27 1T

VGA Details

Mainboard Details

Festplatten Details

Netzteil Details

  • Hersteller: CORSAIR
  • Serie: Professional Series Gold
  • Netzteil: 1.200 Watt
  • buy on amazon

Neueste Kommentare

Netherlandsnedernakker Kommentierte sein eigenes Ergebnis:

MSI Overclocking Event @ CD-ROM Land Breda @ 21-03-2013 Thanks to MSI, CD-ROM Land, Corsair and Leeghoofd!

NetherlandsDrucchi sagt:

You did notice that your score was 5.406 seconds?

Other than that... Good fun you had in Breda!

Netherlandsnedernakker sagt:

Thanks for clearing that up.. dat was a big typo.. already adjusted :)

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