Submission Details


- Elite League

17060 marks mit AMD Lightning Radeon HD 7970 at 1570/1800MHz

Ranglisten Position


Globaler 1x GPU Rang:


Radeon HD 7970 Rang:

55th von 602

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


3DMark11 - Performance screenshot
Ripjaws Z
Ripjaws Z
Verifikations URL, Bilder, Checksumme

Hardware Details

CPU Details

Arbeitsspeicher Details

VGA Details

  • Model: Radeon HD 7970 (Tahiti) AMD
  • Kühlung: Liquid Nitrogen
  • Temperatur (°C): -70 Last-70 Leerlauf
  • Geschwindigkeit: 1.570Mhz (+69.73%) / 1.800Mhz (+30.91%)
  • buy on amazon

Mainboard Details

Festplatten Details

  • Kapazität: 256GB (AHCI)

Netzteil Details

  • Hersteller: CORSAIR
  • Serie: Professional Series Gold
  • Netzteil: 1.200 Watt
  • buy on amazon

Neueste Kommentare

United Statesl0ud_sil3nc3 Kommentierte sein eigenes Ergebnis:

Venom 666 + Tek 9 Fat

Farjam sagt:

nice score man! everthing seems better with lower gpu clock and higher mem clock and cpu clock than previous submit that has better gpu clock and cpu clock :D i didnt exactly understand what am i saying :D

United Statesl0ud_sil3nc3 sagt:

yes, seems less is more once again.


Memory is PSC (4X2GB) this time vs. last run with BBSE.

BelgiumGamer sagt:


United StatesSplave sagt:

great 17k bro!

AustraliaJJJC sagt:

Nice work dude!

Hiwa sagt:

nice one dude.great efficiency



United Statesl0ud_sil3nc3 sagt:

thanks guys, now just to figure out why stuck in x8 mode. . .

CanadaMTP04 sagt:

Looking good LS...nice scores all around!

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