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- Extreme League

700 MHz avec DDR2 SDRAM à 700MHz

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DDR2 SDRAM classement:

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Commentaires récents

United StatesI.M.O.G. dit :

Nice work Evan!

Eeky NoX dit :

Nice catch up :) Which rev is your board? No issues with straps and low FSB with C2D?


...can't wait to plug that system again :P (so much fun with UD3P!!!)

United Statesxxrabid93 dit :

Thanks Matt; this is just a warm up though. :P


Eeky, it's Rev. 1.0. I've never had any sort of issues with this board at all, it's rock solid.

Eeky NoX dit :

Sure it's a warm up :)


No I don't mean you should have issue but my rev 1.1 can't go higher than 610 and with pain...

and some strap doesn't even work, but I can't remember exactly.

When time will come I'll put some cold on my D9s...


How much voltage for 700C5?

United Statesxxrabid93 dit :

I think the 3:5 strap is the broken strap on most P45 boards. For voltage, 2.4v for 700 c5 valid, and 2.54v for 700 c5 SuperPi 32m. :D

Eeky NoX dit :

I have something like that too ;)


Don't remember how much the mobo allow to put at max? 2.95v isn't it?

I think I tried near 2.8v under AC without no more scaling... hope it will do with phase :D


714+ is the freq to push me mate :D (but you have time I won't schedule any session with it before falls)

United Statesxxrabid93 dit :

UD3P max vmem is around 3.03v i think. I am wondering too how high my sticks will scale with voltage. Was your 2.8v with just a fan on the sticks? Did you see any degradation, or did they seem ok? With phase on them you should push for 750+ :D

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