Submission Details


- Apprentice League

276.42 MHz avec GIGABYTE X58A-OC à 276.4MHz

Position dans le classement


WR Rank:

1667th sur un total de 2882


Classement général:

1667th sur un total de 2882


X58A-OC classement:

Medal 5th sur un total de 27

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
verfication image
Reference Frequency screenshot
URL, image ou code de vérification

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

  • Modèle: Intel Core i7 920 'Bloomfield'
  • Refroidissement: Dry Ice
  • Temperature (°C): -74 (charge)-74 (repos)21,11 (ambiente)
  • Cores: 4 146,24MHz(+55.29%)(ref/imc/qpi: 276/4 422/3 316MHz)
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Détails mémoire

  • Manufacturer: Mushkin
  • Produit: Ridgeback
  • Refroidissement: Air (Stock)
  • Type: DDR3 SDRAM
  • Fréquence: @ 829MHz
  • Chronomètres 6-8-6-20-1T
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Détails carte graphique

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

  • Capacité: 128GB (Raid-0)
  • Séries: RealSSD C300 SSD (88SS9174 controller)
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Détails alimentation

  • Fabricant: NZXT
  • Séries: Hale90
  • Alimentation: 750 Watt
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Commentaires récents

United StatesLsdmeasap a commenté son propre score:

Rocking out my first world record, thanks to everyone at GIGABYTE! The X58A-OC can deliver some very massive Bclks!! Video booting at 260 then up to 275 is linked at youtube, don't mind the quality I had to use a cheap Cybershot for the video, and there is no video drivers loaded and due to the camera I had to use the lowest screen resolution to make CPU-z easier to read

South AfricaVivi dit :


United StatesLsdmeasap dit :

Hehe, thanks man!


It's tough work, but someone's gotta do it :)

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