Submission Details


- Extreme League

311367 marks avec AMD Radeon HD 5770 à 1030/1525MHz

Position dans le classement


Global 1x GPU classement:


Radeon HD 5770 classement:

208th sur un total de 304

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

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Captures d'écran
Aquamark screenshot

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Commentaires récents

United StatesLinuxfan dit :

Turn off HT and get the CPU to at least 4.6 for this bench and you'll have a much better score! Tighten ram timings if you can and keep uncore over 4000 too.

PortugalMarco André dit :

Thanks linuxfan, CPU speed is the limiting factor here. I don't see any chance to reach 4.6GHz with this old and million times used chip

United StatesLinuxfan dit :

If you can do 4292mhz in 3dmark06 CPU test with this chip on all 12 cores can't you raise the clock and turn off HT? I know my retail 980x does close to 4.8ghz on water with a single triple radiator and 85oF ambient...

Well push it to the max whatever it is with the chip.

Good score for the clocks. :)

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