New verification ruling for PCMARK7

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New verification rule requirement for PCMARK7 from UL Benchmarks

Due to UL Benchmarks no longer supporting this benchmark and therefore no longer displaying the subdetails information via the verification link, HWBOT is required to make a small change to the current ruling.

The ruling addition is to expand the PCmark score in the result window, this will now have to be enforced from 30th of July 2024.
On the left the old requirement, on the right the score window expanded.


This minor rule change will allow HWBOT to continue to competitively use PCMARK7,  so the  old legacy benchers can still try to chase and beat older records.

So from the 30th of July your verification screenshot should look like the sample shot below

RED: Mandatory fields:

 - CPU-Z tabs for CPU and Memory.
 - GPU-Z for the GPU.
 - PCMARK7 Score.
 - PCMARK score window expanded.
 - Windows Taskbar visible.

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