The countdown has begun...

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Since over the last days the drama off the RTX 4090 reached new interstellar heights, HWBOT decided to move the D-day for the non ECC submissions removal from the 1st of March to the 15th of February.

What does this D-Day imply for you the overclocker:

         ALL nVIDIA RTX4090 ECC disabled subs will be removed from the affected 3D rankings

No matter how hard the moderation Team tried to explain the test period requested by UL Benchmarks, many people still failed to understand the simplicity of the chosen path.

 - Submissions from before 1st of December would initially be left untouched as we only introduced the new ECC ruling from that date. However please rerun your scores with ECC enabled as we will not allow mixed ECC enabled /disabled.

 - The new ECC Enabled Test case ruling was decided together with representatives UL Benchmarks to monitor more closely the scores posted at HWBOT and the ones at their own Hall of Fame.

 - Why all this trouble? Tests were performed over the last 3 months with UL and other benchers, even using special nVIDIA drivers to avoid bugged scores like this one from one of our banned "are you Entertained" members. 

Of course we are far from "entertained". Hilarious that some keep on trying to convince other benchers that their scores are fully legit and their magic tweaks allows them to rule the UL Benchmark's Hall of Fame, versus far better clocked setups. We can only conclude that sometimes one must need to protect people against themselves.

Sadly UL Benchmarks can only provide us with better ECC detection ( soon also available on older benchmarks ), but probably will not launch any automatic invalidation of bugged/inflated scores like the one displayed.

By manual labour they will continue to remove the super obvious bugged runs. Nevertheless a lot of submissions will remain undetected below the radar. Something we want to avoid.

Hence why HWBOT will enforce the final cut-off for competitive benching. As some have noticed this is already happening right now via standard moderation and applying the current rule set: ECC Enabled mandatory submissions only for RTX4090 users.

On the 15th of February the non ECC subs will finally also be removed. (unless UL can deliver a big fix for their 3DMark suite).

Time to end this drama and move on to the next one...

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