Overclock.net strikes again in Team Cup 2021

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Team Cup 2021 Winners announcement !!

Team Cup 2021 ended with just over 1000 submissions from the 37 Teams participating in these still not so optimal conditions, as the pandemic is still lurking around the corner makes us proud. Nice to see the Overclocking community still in full force and enjoying themselves. Country Cup is near and will have a similar adapted format as hardware remains overpriced. Hopefully next year will be better, although current predictions are still quite negative regarding hardware availability.

The first spot was once more claimed by  the International Team of OverClock.net. Although their lead was not as comfortable as in previous editions. The German Team of Hardware Reaktor-Reloaded was right on their heels. A few more submissions on Liquid Nitrogen could have made the difference for the first runner-up. In 3rd spot another International assembly of OCers in Team of Not Exact in Round also breached 1000 points mark, which is quite impressive. Sadly they submitted a few submissions on Engineering Samples, which is not allowed during Official HWBOT competitions. 

Two more Teams had a total score of over 1000 points, in 4th position the Ukranian Team of Overclockers.UA and the chaps of Warp9-Systems finished on the 5th spot. The French Overclocking teams of Overclocking.com and Cowcotland can both be found in the top 10 , as the return of the immortal Greeks of Hellas Overclocking. If you want to find out more about the scores and such have a look at the Team Cup 2021 competition page

Thanks to all whom participated !!

Ukrainemoi_kot_lybit_moloko 说:

thanks to hwbor for organizing team cup, it was fun:)

Greecevarachio 说:

Well, I cant say I haven't enjoy it. I had quite a lot time to bench and always team cups and Country cups for me are the best oppotunities to gather hw and friends around to meet, exchange ideas, tips and bench as much as possible as one team. Well done to all participated!

Dry_Ice777 说:

It was very cool and fun. Thanks to all the participants, all the good fellows?

Ukrainedenvys5 说:

That was fun, indeed


Local meme went too far ?


Belarus Team


Belarusmax1024 说:

I will ask the HWBOT Administration to change the TEXT of this Announcement. In which the team - "Team of Not Exact in Round", which took 3rd place from - Belarus, is approved. This distorts reality and provides false information. This is not a team from Belarus!, look at the participants and the countries where they are registered. This is the First. Second - I think it is necessary to amend the HWBUT Rules for choosing the flag and the name of the Country of the team. In my opinion if 70% of the participants or more are residents of one country, and the rest 30% are residents of other countries (one or more) - they have the Right to choose the flag and the name of the Country where most of the participants are registered. Otherwise - It is NOT ALLOWED to change the flag and name of the country! Max1024 - The Captain of Belarus eXtreme Team

BelarusGumanoid 说:

25 minutes ago, max1024 said:

Team of Not Exact in Round

Belarus?? Чё за хуйня, мужики??

United StatesMr.Scott 说:

I always thought you were not allowed to change teams or exchange members after the comp has started anyway.

Not primarily talking about this team either.

BelarusGumanoid 说:

1 minute ago, Mr.Scott said:

I always thought you were not allowed to change teams or exchange members after the comp has started anyway.

Not primarily talking about this team either.

What happened in our country is not fucking funny. We did not participate in the competition, not because we did not want to, but because other problems.

Belarusmax1024 说:


Imagine that Antarctica wins in the Country Cap 2021, or most teams choose its country -> USA, but that doesn't make the USA the winner.  They don't joke with such things. Its serious question.

Belgiumleeghoofd 说:

This team sports the Belarus flag..  So am I to blame for the choice of preference? ...  I fail to comprehend this mumbo jumbo, an ultimate low has been reached once more... Neither do I care bout politics or other real life issues you all have... If you want to change the flag then do it 



Belarusmax1024 说:

Leeghoofd I live in this country and have every right to choose its flag!

Let's respect the names of countries, their symbols and their flags.

Belgiumleeghoofd 说:

I look at the Team's profile and it says Belarus.... so what do I need to do .... I don't get it...

United StatesMr.Scott 说:

13 minutes ago, Gumanoid said:

What happened in our country is not fucking funny. We did not participate in the competition, not because we did not want to, but because other problems.


13 minutes ago, max1024 said:


Imagine that Antarctica wins in the Country Cap 2021, or most teams choose its country -> USA, but that doesn't make the USA the winner.  They don't joke with such things. Its serious question.

I wasn't joking.

My post was not meant any other way than I wrote it.

It was about changing teams and exchanging members after the comp has started. That's all. I couldn't care less what country it was or what it's name is.

Belarusmax1024 说:

I am not against associations, moving to other teams, forever or during the competition, but RULES ARE NECESSARY! Without this, there is chaos, and there has been enough chaos here lately. Even from the point of simple logic, it is not correct to take the name of another country if there is not a single participant there! And the mention of this kind of text in the news, about the participants' belonging to a certain country, generally discredits the resource as a distributor of inaccurate information.
For the future, this needs to be decided, either to remove the COUNTRIES and national flags altogether, leaving only the name of the team, or to amend the Rules, the right to choose the flag goes to the team captain. If the symbolism and the name of the country are not used in a parvenous manner - a ban or something like this. Everyone is proud of their countries and flags, and there is no need to make jokes out of it. This is insulting to say the least.

Ukrainedenvys5 说:

TeamCup is over, drama keeps flowing.

About flag... I'll tell the story from our team's point of view. We were faced with multiple misconceptions regarding our country selection and name of our team. We had gotten a lot of hate from different CIS communities during TC for our name during competition (USSR_OVER) and our country selection. 

Firstly, we created a team with no country specified, but faced a problem: we couldn`t compete in regional ranking (not relevant to TC) at all. So we decided to pick a team based on our team composition - Russia. That generated drama, so we switched to Kazakhstan, and then to Ukraine. That got us more drama, so we switched to another CIS country, which we considered as a neutral choice. We changed national flag to unique one, to limit connections with selected country. Since we mitigated all the initial drama, we were convinced that this choice was truly neutral and did not offend anybody.

For our representation we consider ourselves as an international OC team. We changed name of our team after the end of competition. No drama included, end of story. No politics whatsoever. We didn't want to hurt anyone.

Russian FederationTerraRaptor 说:

Max1024, it looks like the only thing you worry about is Not_Exact moved your team to second place in Belarus. 

You just can't instruct other people how they identify themselves. We chose Belarus and everyone in our team was happy with that selection. 

I can select Belarus for personal ranking too, having some roots there. And you have no chance to dictate me if i should be in Team Russia (oh, I'm citizen of Kazakhstan, how dare I?) or choose the flag. 


Russian FederationTerraRaptor 说:

1 hour ago, max1024 said:

Let's respect the names of countries, their symbols and their flags.

So taking #3 is disrespectful to Belarus? Better no place at all?)

Belarusmax1024 说:



Max1024, it looks like the only thing you worry about is Not_Exact moved your team to second place in Belarus. 


Are you healthy at all? What the hell are you talking about! read my first post! Now all the media will write nonsense thanks to your stupidity! I asked to change the text in the news - REMOVE the country and team affiliation from the TEXT! and to solve this issue by setting the rules for the future, this is that this nonsense will not happen again, since everyone here respects and honors the rules. 

Belgiumleeghoofd 说:

I changed the text but changing the rules is quite hard, maybe we need to add the option to select an international Team if it's a mix, anyway you could already upload your own flag...

Russian FederationTerraRaptor 说:

11 minutes ago, max1024 said:


Nonsense is trying to force someone to change self-identification. 

PS. Ты мне расскажи, что плохого в том, что белорусский флаг на 3 месте? И неужели россияне, украинцы и казахстанцы не могут испытывать достаточно теплые чувства к Беларуси, чтобы не выступить под ее флагом? Может на спортивных мероприятиях тогда за белорусов нам с флагами Беларуси нельзя на стадионах быть? Ты ведешь себя как истеричка - и это ревность, а не забота о репутации страны. 



IranGAGHL 说:

It was a good challenge for me :)

Belarusmax1024 说:

Dear TerraRaptor you are showing disrespect to the public again.
This is an English-language resource, you should not write in national languages (I do not teach you, I suggest, I think many will agree with me on this), this is at least inappropriate and causes discomfort for readers. If everyone writes here in their own language, there will be chaos, this is not a rule - but common sense and ethical norms. Let's respect each other.
But I will still answer your first question (I will translate it for the rest: “Tell me, what's wrong with the Belarusian flag being in 3rd place?”) My answer - Any place, phenomenon, event MUST be Honored. There is no need to substitute concepts and meaning, there is nothing bad if the Belarusian flag and the mention of the Country are in third place, But it Should be Deserved!

With this I will conclude this useless discussion with you.

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed 说:

I have an idea.

All people involved use Cyrillic alphabet, so you can change the flag to Bulgaria. I have nothing against that :P

Plus, nowadays, everyone can identify as "anything", it seems :D

Ukrainemoi_kot_lybit_moloko 说:

tnx Ivan?

Ukrainedenvys5 说:

@I.nfraR.ed Deal!

Russian FederationAntinomy 说:

@Leeghoofd, don't overvalue this one. Unfortunately it's a common problem within exUSSR countries over the last 20 years. Forums, TV, the papers wanna raise some hate.

Hey, guys. We're here to have fun and chew bubble gum. And we're all out of bubble gum ?
So let's finish with this BS and get back to overclocking and having fun. We don't care much about flags but people tend to care about ours.


@max1024So you say these lads below should have my permission for performing?


Australiaunityofsaints 说:

Greatest TC in 4 years for me, just the right mix of exciting stages and tough competition. Thanks @Leeghoofd for organising this!

GreeceTASOS 说:

It was a great Team Cup.

Congrats to all people involved and with their efforts made this a successful contest.

Of cource congrats to the winning team ... and thumbs up to all participants.



@Leeghoofd ... positions are final ?

Done moderating with all reported results ?




I miss extreme OC since 2015... But still I see all your great scores and the my overclocked emptyness raises... Someday I will have time to OC, now I'm on AIR cooling. Maybe I'll be into TC 2022. The problem is that I'm out of TIME and out of TEAM. Poland OC team doesn't exist anymore or is dead.

So maybe next time oldschool or mobile OC? :)

United StatesMr.Scott 说:

11 hours ago, ludek said:

The problem is that I'm out of TIME and out of TEAM. Poland OC team doesn't exist anymore or is dead.

So maybe next time oldschool or mobile OC? :)

You can come to W9 anytime. :)  We'd be glad to have you.

Russian FederationAntinomy 说:

14 hours ago, ludek said:

The problem is that I'm out of TIME and out of TEAM. Poland OC team doesn't exist anymore or is dead.

That's why we've built this new team in the first place, same thing happened to our teams but we all wanted to take part in TC. If W9 sounds too old for you, you can come to us ?
Mobile/old school - I'm all in.

United StatesMr.Scott 说:

13 hours ago, Antinomy said:

That's why we've built this new team in the first place, same thing happened to our teams but we all wanted to take part in TC. If W9 sounds too old for you, you can come to us ?
Mobile/old school - I'm all in.

Poland is part of NATO. He comes here comrade.  :D

Russian FederationTerraRaptor 说:

1 hour ago, Mr.Scott said:

He comes here comrade

Ludek can be NATO's deep-cover mole in Not_Exact;)


I will think it over. Now it's time to do some projects, but this year I will OC some socket P. Recent development on Nforce 2 is also very tasty. This forum keeps my motivation even if I can't overclock any clocks. 9_9

FranceMartin White 说:

Thank you all for this challenge. See you next year for a better ranking :p

Matsglobetrotter 说:

This was a team cup not the country cup but can see the issue, even more so in the country cup. Even in the olympics there are situations participants take part but dont represent a country so it could be that there could be an option to simply represent an international non affiliated entity.

Meanwhile i for sure would not link teams with countries as such. I like my Team and there is no team in Sweden since years.

Too bad i could not help my team this time due to my move.. The question is now should I be on country cup for Sweden, Italy. Im still a Swede but in Italy:-)


