GPUPI Version 2.1.2 Released - Added Support For Radeon R300 and Fury X

In a brief post in the support forum thread for the GPUPI benchmark, Mat announced the release of version 2.1.2 of the popular GPUPI benchmark. After XTU and HWBOT Prime, GPUPI is the most run benchmark at HWBOT. Its direct integration with the HWBOT submission API makes it very easy to participate in the rankings.

Version 2.1.2 includes support for the latest Radeon 300 series graphics cards as well as the Fury X. According to Mat it's unlikely we'll be seeing Fury X at the top of the benchmark rankings anytime soon though. For everyone who wants to try out the new version: find the download links below. Note that v2.1.2 is not a mandatory upgrade since all versions since v2.1 are still supported.

Downloads: GPUPI 2.1.2 (1.06 MB, CRC-32: CB9069F2) | GPUPI 2.1.2 - Legacy Version (Windows XP, GeForce 200 series, 590 KB, CRC-32: 1497D087)

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