HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k

As HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 23.2 fps
jessec0626 8 6600 MHz Z170M OC Formula Air (Stock) 32.5 33.4
2. 20.68 fps
GeorgeStorm 8 5597 MHz Z170M OC Formula 21.5 27.6
3. 16.471 fps
GeorgeStorm 6 5701 MHz Z170M OC Formula 25.9 31.8
4. 16.075 fps
ProKoN 8 5300 MHz Z170M OC Formula 2.0 8.4
5. 13.36 fps
mllrkllr88 4 6811 MHz Z170M OC Formula 46.9 70.0
6. 13.112 fps
Shadyreaper 4 6700 MHz Z170M OC Formula 45.1 46.0
7. 10.89 fps
alibabar 4 5700 MHz Z170M OC Formula Air (Stock) 34.7 36.0
8. 10.776 fps
luakri 4 5437 MHz Z170M OC Formula Air (Stock) 33.5 28.8
9. 10.62 fps
DanKadr 4 5453 MHz Z170M OC Formula 31.1 27.2
10. 10.52 fps
delly 4 5405 MHz Z170M OC Formula 30.3 26.4
11. 10.313 fps
aperacer 4 5172 MHz Z170M OC Formula Air (Stock) 27.3 23.0
12. 10.001 fps
Alan_Alberino 4 5001 MHz Z170M OC Formula Air (Stock) 22.7 20.0
13. 9.94 fps
Hilderman 4 5101 MHz Z170M OC Formula 20.1 19.2
14. 9.93 fps
kimandsally 4 5300 MHz Z170M OC Formula 19.9 19.1
15. 9.4 fps
gkmltd 4 4999 MHz Z170M OC Formula Air (Stock) 9.3 15.7
16. 9.34 fps
pxhx 4 5000 MHz Z170M OC Formula 6.5 14.8
17. 9.055 fps
tonytony 4 5563 MHz Z170M OC Formula 2.9 32.0
18. 8.939 fps
ilana10 4 5500 MHz Z170M OC Formula 2.0 31.0
19. 8.48 fps
websmile 4 5403 MHz Z170M OC Formula 2.0 13.4
20. 8.446 fps
r0llpan 4 5000 MHz Z170M OC Formula 2.0 6.0