7-Zip Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 7-Zip

As 7-Zip can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 31532 MIPS
jayakiran 4 4630 MHz Core i7 920 Water (Custom) 0.0 15.0
2. 30881 MIPS
TAN YANG 4 4630 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 10.0
3. 30014 MIPS
jgaroni 4 4523 MHz Core i7 920 2.0 7.0
4. 28900 MIPS
wojtan84 4 4321 MHz Core i7 920 AIO Water 0.0 6.0
5. 28585 MIPS
MachineLearning 4 4504 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 5.0
6. 28386 MIPS
Rheinlaender 4 4701 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 4.8
7. 28329 MIPS
ProfessorZoom751 4 4305 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 4.6
8. 27843 MIPS
PierreFr 4 4207 MHz Core i7 920 2.0 4.4
9. 27699 MIPS
SUCreeper 4 4321 MHz Core i7 920 Air (Custom) 0.0 4.2
10. 27524 MIPS
unkn0wnCZ 4 4299 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 4.0
11. 27437 MIPS
ViNsTeR777 4 4134 MHz Core i7 920 Air (Stock) 0.0 3.8
12. 27284 MIPS
Gigaherz 4 4228 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 3.6
13. 26797 MIPS
Der_Affenkoenig 4 4209 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 0.0
14. 25982 MIPS
SaK 4 3875 MHz Core i7 920 2.0 3.2
15. 25885 MIPS
anakwaboe4 4 4029 MHz Core i7 920 Air (Stock) 0.0 3.0
16. 25159 MIPS
yee245 4 3789 MHz Core i7 920 AIO Water 0.0 2.8
17. 22110 MIPS
ObviousCough 4 4423 MHz Core i7 920 0.0 2.6