7-Zip Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 7-Zip

As 7-Zip can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 100877 MIPS
myarthsk 14 4688 MHz Alder Lake SoC 16.0 15.0
2. 85564 MIPS
Spicer 14 4090 MHz Alder Lake SoC 12.4 6.0
3. 83337 MIPS
hotnikQ 14 4688 MHz Alder Lake SoC 12.0 5.0
4. 82395 MIPS
TACP-M 14 4588 MHz Alder Lake SoC 11.8 4.0
5. 79724 MIPS
Speedy22 14 4688 MHz Alder Lake SoC Air (Stock) 11.0 4.4
6. 79065 MIPS
dressiknights 14 4588 MHz Alder Lake SoC 10.8 3.0
7. 59485 MIPS
Dry_Ice777 8 4090 MHz Alder Lake SoC Air (Stock) 2.0 6.0
8. 59368 MIPS
wnayter9000 14 4090 MHz Alder Lake SoC 8.6 4.0
9. 55166 MIPS
ACoTam2 10 3991 MHz Alder Lake SoC 17.9 15.0
10. 34198 MIPS
Andrix85 6 4389 MHz Alder Lake SoC 2.0 6.0
11. 25625 MIPS
Void_1994 5 4390 MHz Alder Lake SoC 10.0 3.0
12. 23361 MIPS
stivut 8 2593 MHz Alder Lake SoC 2.0 2.0