7-Zip Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 7-Zip

As 7-Zip can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 64781 MIPS
Uno132 8 4601 MHz Z170A XPOWER Gaming Titanium Edition 2.0 4.0
2. 47783 MIPS
gt403cyl2 4 5633 MHz Z170A XPOWER Gaming Titanium Edition Air (Stock) 41.3 20.0
3. 42853 MIPS
Hilderman 4 5103 MHz Z170A XPOWER Gaming Titanium Edition 31.5 10.8
4. 39161 MIPS
Martin White 4 4817 MHz Z170A XPOWER Gaming Titanium Edition 23.1 12.4
5. 15328 MIPS
Speedy22 2 4819 MHz Z170A XPOWER Gaming Titanium Edition Air (Stock) 23.7 10.0