7-Zip Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 7-Zip

As 7-Zip can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score Team Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling TGPP THWPP
1. 40146 MIPS
ScrapOC 4 4904 MHz Core i7 5775C 0 6.1
2. 39029 MIPS
Wegg 4 4698 MHz Core i7 5775C Dry Ice 0 4.9
3. 37681 MIPS
DNA Labs 4 4500 MHz Core i7 5775C 18.8 3.6
4. 37615 MIPS
Hellas Overclocking Team 4 4500 MHz Core i7 5775C Air (Custom) 0 2.4
5. 34406 MIPS
Hardware.fr [HFR] 4 4249 MHz Core i7 5775C 0 1.8
6. 34228 MIPS
O!Technology Team 4 4200 MHz Core i7 5775C 15.7 1.8