BelgiumMassman says:

Let me know if you have any issues!

Belgiumgeoffrey says:

nice guide M

I've been testing Arch Linux with Java 8 preview, no real gains there.

Closing some processes might help you a little bit, but 'ps aux' (linux task manager) doesn't show any process that is taking a lot of cpu time

Dreadlockyx says:

We could use things like to control the Vin.

BelgiumMassman says:

From what I see, the Vin doesn't affect the final Varm. I see my Vin dropping to 4.7V now, but the Varm still measures 1.4V. Seems like the Varm voltage will be fixed regardless of what the Vin is.


I also read on the official RPi forums that the limit of 1.4V is hardware related, not firmware.

United StatesBobnova says:

I think I found the external bits of the internal VRM. If I did, it's EPower time.

First thing though is getting an install on there that will actually overclock.

I'll post a few pictures in a bit here, need to take 'em and do some classy MSPaint work.




Here we go:




Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited by law, not responsible for bad descisions, etc.

I have a hell of a time making SD cards, so it may be a bit till I can test this.

Putting some appropriate voltage caps across those two MLC jobs may well help, there's about 10mV of switching ripple on the VARM line, plus any transient ripple at higher loads. This is all at idle (no display attached, no Ethernet attached, booting to a command prompt I'd assume.), load ripple will be higher. Of course, more caps may blow things to hell, who knows.





If you do and it is Varm and you make WRs, if you could credit me that'd be great :D

Belgiumgeoffrey says:

you can find some schematics of the board online. I was just looking at them to notice that one possibility is indeed to do the same thing as mentioned above:


Remove L5 and connect some external source to the point where you read the core voltage.

Maybe L5 can stay in place and you just connect some external source to the voltage readout point, but it would not be the proper way of doing things. Don't know how things have changed or got better the last few years in overclocking :)


The only thing that bothers me is the voltage feedback which could be monitoring the output voltage for low and high overvoltage. I need my Raspberry for programming stuff so I won't be testing it anyway :)

United StatesBobnova says:

Grabbed some time to redo the Raspbian(or whatever it is) install in the hopes that OCing will work. If it does it's external VRM time.

I'm torn between something simple like a heavily heatsinked adjustable linear regulator (it's only 3.5w stock max draw for the whole board, that's not bad linear reg wise) or going whole hog and EPowering it. The linear reg would be nice from the standpoint of starting up along with the board for proper(ish) timing, but the EPower is just so much more me.


It all depends on whether the damn thing will OC. If it won't OC adding voltage isn't exactly useful.


Pi was free, if it dies I'll be annoyed, but I don't use it much. Maybe I can get a sample from someone to replace it if I give 'em some press.

BelgiumMassman says:

You're correct on the read points. This is what I meaured (tested with changing the voltages)



Belgiumgeoffrey says:


it has the caps/resistors/... mentioned in the schematic, so easy to find the correct spot on the pcb

GENiEBEN says:

Hey Pieter, in

$ sudo apt-get remove openjre-7-jdk
it should say openjdk-7-jre (or 6)


OR sudo apt-get purge openjdk*


Btw, I see there is a new build b102, here's the donwload link for ARM



BelgiumMassman says:

Thanks, updated.

Belgiumgeoffrey says:

I tried the hardware modification with a linear voltage regulator but with no help. It does work, but I could not get higher clocks on the pi, in contrary my SD cards got corrupted as soon as I tried +1200MHz... L5 is back where it belongs now, I'm done with overclocking the pi :)

BelgiumMassman says:

Pics? Schematics?

Belgiumgeoffrey says:

no pics, didn't draw any schematics but the mod is explained on the previous page I think: remove L5 on the downside of the board, take a variable linear voltage regulator, feed it from another USB post, hook up both (Vregulator and R-pi) GND lines and attach the regulators Vout to the Raspberry-pi Vcore readout point.

Linear is not the best choice though, even with this low current dev-board I notice a lot of voltage swings between idle and load.

BelgiumMassman says:

The swings might have been the cause of the SD-Card corruption. No voltage scaling doesn't make sense. Maybe you were just limited by the instable voltages?

Belgiumgeoffrey says:

nah, swings are really typical for linear voltage regulators

Hiwa says:

Interesting ... I go with the competition, looks funny

BelgiumMassman says:

Hmmmmmmm doesn't fit



Netherlandsrsnubje says:

This got me about 40 MHz more on the core @ 1.4v and also about 40-50ish on the memory. The actual temp was around -24 according to temp gun and raspbian:P

It's just a stock prometia btw. I think I need to do some modding on the raspberry.


Let's say I use E-Power, I just remove L5 and connect E-Power to the V readout and a ground?



Netherlandsrsnubje says:

Another friday with the Raspberry Pi :P

This time: E-Power!




This got me to about 1450MHz with around 1.8v real(DMM). Next time I will make it cold to go even further. For now just a score with 1400MHz.

BelgiumMassman says:



Do you have schematics?

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

It's exactly like they said in this topic. Remove L5 and put power from Epower on Varm readout and I used the other side of the resistor as ground.

Germanyteurorist says:

is there any known cold bug ? :D


ln2 ? :D

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

No problems till -24 :P Should try it on my cascade soon.

Germanyteurorist says:

of courser you should try it with phase change :) would be n1 to see

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

Will do :) It will show up here eventually ;)

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed says:

This is great, but the other guy deserves recognition too.

He fed it with 1.8V from his vga's memory circuitry which is also awesome idea, without buying evga untouchables.

Both results are awesome, keep us up to date. Interesting to see where the limits are :).

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

He sure does :) Also one of the sources to make the Epower work properly(not solder to wrong points).

I tried first with a voltage divider with a pack of resistors, which also worked, but couldn't regulate the voltage, it went from 5v to 1.66v.



FranceHopetech says:



I'm a french student in IT and I'm just beginning in OC.

I have a question: Is the OS important in the overclicking of the RPI?

If yes, what is the best OS?





PS: Sorry for my english.

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

Since the Raspberry uses no actual bios, you need an OS that has one, like Raspbian or Pidora, which are both meant for the Raspberry pi. Personally I would use Raspbian, because I think it works and handles well. If you are doing it for Hwbot Prime, don't forget to install Java JDK 8. It can be a pain to install in some cases tho.

FranceHopetech says:

Thanks for the answer.

I thought a lightweight OS such as archlinux or gentoo used fewer resources and thus improving performance.

Last question: Did you tweak raspbian?

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

My knowledge of linux in general is very slim, so I didn't do more than what is told in this topic:

Netherlandsrsnubje says:

Apearently, someone was able to bypass the 2GHz wall for me in the Raspbian core.

Tested last night:



GermanyLuebke says:

how do u guys get such high results? :confused:

i only got 478 pts @1150 mhz cpu/450 mhz sdram with java8. what am i doing wrong to get such weak results? need help! :(

what clock is possible for sdram without cooling?

Netherlandsrsnubje says:


That's all you need to know.

GermanyLuebke says:

i´ve found the thread, but it doesn´t work on my pi :(

on runlevel 1 it won´t run prime...


anyway, team-cup is over for me now ^_^

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