11.01.2020 12:00 +0000
12.31.2020 12:00 +0000
For pcmark 7 will lga 1151v1 and v2 count as one or two different socket?
CC2020, HWBOT x265 Benchmark-4k, Use 1,3,5,7 processor core(s) in total. I think there is an error
nope it can be done... someone tested it for me already ?
@yosarianilivesCPU Socket ranking type, thus counts as 2 different sockets
Is downcore allowed then? Or is it only unlock cores? Cause like no am3 cpu die has more than 6 cores...
To achieve 7 cores in this stage it must be the only option...
So assuming this goes for the other subs too. Meaning you want to downcore *lake or zen 2 for optimal scores on all 4 subs
Also is downcore allowed to get core counts for ycruncher?
nope, only for the 7core score...
And off we go, thx DaQuteness!!
"A VALID Futuremark verification link is required registered on your HWBot name"
How strictly is this enforced? I think my Futuremark name might be slightly different than my HWBot name (NiobiumOC or something), is that okay?
As long it is not Splave ?
I'm out then.
Hyper PI 32M: where is the ranking?
hyperpi is not in yet i guess
Neither is Port Royal... Sigh
Are quadros allowed for port royal?
Thats labelled as server hardware , but if noone has an issue with these I could authorise them
Vote here for Quadros in Port Royal stage
Similar question, for superposition are workstation/server cards like Radeon pro duo allowed?
Also my 2c for quadros in pr is they shouldn't be allowed, but I did vote yes cause it'll be hilarious to see how pissed people are if it's allowed and someone posts monster score on one
I do not think scores will even be better than a cold 2080ti. Probably best to just leave them as banned to make it fair for everyone
So how ridiculous did this turn out. Some vote yes to create a stirr... Well you lot just ended any future use of a poll A nice round of applause... My turn now... Will reconfigure tomorrow
I don't really care if they're allowed I don't think it will make an impact, but they probably shouldn't be allowed just the same cause people don't like quadros in most stages.
Why not create different tiers and make overclocking the comp, as an example there are those that only have a 570 and can't compete at all with a 2080ti or 3090 so then creating specific tiers like 570, 580 etc.
My 0.002
it is Country Cup, not about you as a single bencher. Port Royal needs to be pushed to new limits
That's just normal hwbot, idk but having 500+ stages in country cup is a maybe not the best idea. There are however cheap stages so everyone can participate
In the GTX400 stage, is it possible to for example sub 3 x GTX480 as one score and 2 x GTX480 as another and have both be counted towards the overall score? Or is it one score per SKU?
one score for 480 SKU, 470,460,450 whatever makes you tick.
3DMark - Sky Diver (GPU) - 4 scores: gpu score or total score??
GPU score only counts , but score needs to be VALID at FM , so you need to run it fully
Ok, I asked because see subbed total score insted of gpu score
Good point
Reminder that crosshair 8 dark hero launched after the comp, want to make sure nobody subs and has to rebench on different board. Posting here and on Discord to make sure everyone sees it, don't think it will be a problem but will suck if someone does a sick 3000 series sub on the new board for country cup and can't use it.
Unigine Superposition verification - only for paid access ?
You need a key to get a validation link
HWBOT Country Cup 2020 - Unigine Superposition- 1080P Xtreme
Is there a problem?
Version error on the hwbot website.
It refuses my bench
Thank you for looking at
Hello my friends - nice to "see" you all again! Question about Stage 12 MathBenchmark... are MP server sockets allowed as long as they use desktop DDR2?
if you pop in one single processor yes
Reminder that basically all s771 boards use fbdimm which is not ddr2, so would need to be like socket F or something
Yes, Socket F is what I had in mind. Thanks!
edit - oh, and one more question, sorry - for the purpose of this stage, do AM2 and AM2+ count as 2 sockets?
yes, unless I misconfigured
You need a key to get a validation link
nope, only for the 7core score...
[/quote] It was changed ? Now i see 8 cores ? 7 cores was doable by disablng some in widows, same for 3 and so on.yes but you couldn't submit the 7 core score ?
Superposition will get points in 2021, so maybe not a bad thing to support the developer
yes but you couldn't submit the 7 core score ?
[/quote] So if i do score with for example on i5 2500k with 1 core disabled it will be ok ?Core unlocking = OK
Core disabling = Not OK least that's the way it's always been.
Nope that psychical a 4 core, you can only sub it as a 4 core.
Dear sirs, thanks for all the great competitions. On the Catzilla stage, are Titan Xp and older Titan cards allowed?
soz no Titans at all...
Ok thank you. Are Radeon Pro Duo allowed for the Superposition stage? This was asked already but I didn't see a response.
yes no limitation
Another question. If i submit 4 scores with different hardware does it counts ? For example the same motherboard but 4 different cpu's ?
In the Memory Frequency competition, is it possible to send more than one result for different memory types? For example, I have a result for DDR1 and I posted it earlier, now I added the result for DDR3 and the result for DDR1 has disappeared. Is this a bug or is this competition only allowed 1 user = 1 result?
1 user : 1 result per stage...
do you mind changing my score on this submission to the gpu score (5329) and not the overall score of 6k? I forgot it was gpu score only
edited mr panda
Is Ryzen PRO allowed? My laptop happens to have a Ryzen PRO APU in it, I've already subbed it for the Sky Diver stage:
But would be good to know if this is considered workstation hardware. I'd think not but better to clear up the ambiguity early on as I'm sure I won't be the only one thinking of subbing Ryzen PRO.
Good question, my ebay purchases were just me assuming it'd be allowed, fuck trying to get the non pro version of 4000 series...
Is win 10 allowed on all stages or just for modern Hardware?
I think normal win 10 rules apply, so Skylake and newer can run win 10, otherwise has to be benchmate, x265, or 3dmark/PCMark with valid link
allowed, this Pro cpu is not a problem for this stage
Depending on the benchmark like Yosi mentioned, Study the rules per benchmark , if unsure ask first before benching.
KRIEG Matchbench has been updated by their developers. Version 1.1 only submissions
Any idea why? Can't see anything on the website.
Also might pay to change the website download link on the stage 12 competition page.
link was changed to version 1.1 hours agoi, maybe refresh your page could help
Having trouble subbing a score for Superposition 1080P. Telling me I need to sub using 1.1 and that it is incomplete, but I am using correct version as far as I can tell?
Have verification link and screen as well if needed to verify
I'm having the same problem as AKM. I double checked and version 1.1 is listed in my Leaderboard link. Thanks.
HyperPi 32M Stage: disabling HT and/core is not allowed, right?
i.e. if cpu is a 4c/8t must run 8 instances, right?
Try again, see if you can submit superposition datafile now
yes correct
For the Math-Stage: does an AM2 CPU on an AM2+ mainboard count as AM2 or as AM2+ result?
its defined as CPU Socket so the Bot "should" consider it as AM2... but sometimes it never stops to amaze me
don't remember if already asked: ryzen 5xxx allowed ot not?
nope sorry no Vermeer
no it is okay, we can see that in the CPUZ verification link
Hello, I've tried to submit a Port Royal Score for Stage 1 and I'm receiving this error...
"This submission was made with an Engineering Sample or unreleased hardware"
Why is this happening? I'm not using either an ES or unreleased hardware?
Don't submit with a XTU profile, enter all the hardware manually
Thanks, I thought I tried that and was still running into an error. Maybe my score was accepted. I knew it wasn't going to be in the top 5 but I'd still like to participate.
There's no software that I would know off besides XTU that would give this error while submitting. If you want you can pass me the screenshot and FM link and I can try to sub it for you
Small update on the Unigine stage:
thx to user Gt403cyl it became apparent that Unigine's website does not support multiple GPU configurations.
This means if you submit the score to their website the verification link afterwards will not work (404 error)
Therefore we will remove the verification link for this competition. The request was forwarded that their leaderboard would support multiple GPU configurations in the future.
KRIEG Mathbench received another update for better score stability.
Version 1.2 required for future subs gents
hope next time no update during the comp... it's a non-sense
This is making it difficult to sandbag scores you know
I still have version 1.3 by Benchmate up my sleeve...
If you found the glitches that caused the need for update you'd understand, pretty sure will need version 1.3 as there's a MAJOR flaw that wasn't patched in 1.2. Waiting on dev response but they reply quickly so perhaps it will be fixed.
Is there any chance that version 1.1 scores higher than 1.2 ?
or there is something wrong with my system ?
Personally I found it scored similar on my E8400 and 2600x
I mean, if we don't know very well how it runs or if it's bugged and so on, we don't need it for a big comp like this ?
I personally think knowing how it calculates a score and knowing how the calculations are done would be great as well.
Patch notes would be icing on the top
I think that there need to be a time to mature/quarantine new hardware and new benchmarks before they are used in competitions/point giving challenges. like 2-3 months even if scores are posted on the bot.
For hardware.
Based on that some new ryzens have even been noticed to break even CPUz with wrong reporting.
Thus any new hardware need to be going through informal tests by users and experts on a number of benchers before they are confirmed. To for example update benchmate or other envelope.
For benchmarks.
Based on that its not fair to have updates in the middle of competition to have to re-run scores based on issues found.
Meanwhile cudos to the developers who keep correcting the issues found and for the guys who can actually find such issues ?
Mathbench was in beta for a long time, it was requested to be used.
Now some glitches were found with older hardware & affinity and directly fixed by the dev team.
Aren't we slightly overreacting? Like has your country already 4 LN2'ed scores done?
With the development team immediately reacting/fixing I think this competition is ideal to get stuff sorted.
It has been configured by CPU socket, so if its an AM3 cpu it will count as an AM3 , unless there's some weird bug in the code (don't be surprised), other possible selection was mobo socket.
Optimal list is something like 1090t, qx9650, x5470, and ???
Og phenom could be used but they kinda suck so may lose to qx9300 or socket F
imo it could be used in an other comp, not a big one like CC or TC, but, I repeat, just my opinion
btw no problem, will improve it
There are other comps? ?
Stage 10 hyper pi 32 m
Is this per cpu socket?
Are we allowed to disable cores and hyperthreading?
Thanks in advance
Rules say cannot disable core/ht, and is not cpu socket ranking
3090 KP launched after Nov 1 and is banned correct? Want to make sure it gets confirmed publicly to save people time for PR, more of a reminder than a question tbh
For royal port, lods are accepted?
thank you
nope, the verification link needs to be VALID, so no LOD or other optimisations allowed as it wil not be valid at Futuremarkwebsite
Ok thank you
What's the percentage of deviation from validation to screenshot on mem frequency Alby?
And is SPD tab required for screenshot?
we take 3% in general Scotty, CPUZ valid counts
No SPD tab required, but has to be readable in the CPUZ validation link
So, usual rules then. Thanks Alby, just wanted to check.
Why isent there the romanian flag in 2010 also? All other editions had it. Did history change?
@Leeghoofdthe Time Spy stage is currently a mess, in the design thread it was mentioned that Titans and all RTX cards would be banned but as configured, some RTX Super cards have been missed and some older Titans are allowed, e.g. RTX 2060 Super and Titan Xp. Can you close the gaps please?
I looked how they scored and they were in the score range of a 1080Ti around 10-11K... so they were not left out by oversight.
Hyperpi allows CPUs from the same socket, is that intentional? e.g. can sub something like 10900K + 9900KS + 9900KF + 9900K
yes HyperPi its defined by CPU type, not Socket type. Just ensure you run instances equal to either HT or physical cores (non HT CPUs)
You just mad cause US isn't doing bad lmao
Exactly...US ain't doing bad...with luck US has a bunch of great scores saved as well. I really hope there is a massive country effort where all good OC'rs pull together and make shit happen.
I know CC the last few years down here is more a social gathering then an OC'n event. So please bring the joy of a comeback victory worthy.
Is there a possibility to add rule like "No cores or HT disabling allowed" to HyperPi stage? Currently it just says "HyperPi Instances = processor/HT cores (max is 16 instances)", logically it's not clear that you may not disable cores or HT, it just says bench instances must be equal to core/HT number. Personally made this mistake, adding clarification probably will save time/effort for others
Easy way to ban lga 1200 without banning 1200 lmao
Is core Disabling allowed on the Math benchmark stage?
Can we use lga 771 chips in 775 boards?
Why wouldn't it be? It is Ddr2 with what ever CPU you want.
Score averaging in the 4K stage is screwed, e.g. USA has a full set of subs averaging out to about 7 FPS but the stage shows 1.08 fps (I can't believe I'm helping mortal enemies ?)
Its screwing everyone equally so not so bad a thing to want fixed lol, that is kinda an odd average though. Perhaps it's doing per core score but that doesn't seem to math out right either.
Set it average hardware iso per effective core
Didn't even know that there was an option to rank by "thread count", in old ranking 9700k would be op I think
hyper pi 32m is calculated per core not total time?
skydiver is overall score or graphics score? subs are half and half lol
Crazy idea but are any tiebreaking mechanisms intended? Or are you happy with a shared win in that case?
The hyperpi score that the bench spits out is an average of the times. Bench launches an instance of superpi on each thread.
Skydiver should be graphics score
If there is a tie then the two teams select a champion to battle it out in ritual combat
Doesn't sound COVID-safe
The one who doesn't die of covid wins
I am unable to delete or edit my sub for sky diver. I posted overall score not graphics score
removed it ProKon...
shared points is nice for the end of year
Thank you
Thanks for all the hard work that goes into setting these competitions up.
Okay to sub Sky Diver without valid veri link? Using latest version 3dmark and SI but still giving me graphics card not recognized after uploading score on
4650G if that helps any. Can PM screen and link to verification if needed
Did you reach out to fm?
superpatodonaldo`s 3DMark - Sky Diver (GPU) score: 6400 marks with a Radeon R7 Graphics (Spectre, 512 Shaders) (
when I subbed it I was be able to see the fm it seems to be hidden? and also I have issue to graphic detection
but notify my cpu has 2 core at low freq, so I benched just 2 instead of 4
@Leeghoofd please check if this work Generic VGA video card benchmark result - AMD A10-8750,Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. F2A88XN-WIFI (
Ill add it to the stage rules that only graphics driver not approved is acceptable.
mail the FM screenshots to me plz I'll add them to the sub
@superpatodonaldo, nope still hidden, let's do the above
It says generic vga card, if the hw is "unrecognized" then score will always be hidden to prevent leaks of es hw
UL/FM is actually pretty quick at adding hardware (at least in my experience with sample size of 1). I think it took them about 1.5 days before they added the i7-5775R, Pentium G5500, and Quadro P1000 to their database after submitting a support ticket.
Looks like the x265 stage has been configured back to a simple average score again?
I've submitted a TimeSpy Score and an PCMark7 Score, but only TimeSpy rated.. the PCMark7 ist not rated (did two Benches and both submissions are not rated).
Did i something wrong or just a bug? If everything is ok, can it be scored?
The score page is marked as "CountryCup 2020 - PCMark7 Score"
Its supposed to be
The ranking is by socket. Bullshooter already made an AM4 result which is better than yours.
Look here for coordination of the german team:
Thank you very much.
we lost the mobile sub when the desktop version was submitted. Do they count as the same thing?
Nope, I added your score back to the ranking a few hours ago
Good Competition! It was close Australia, nice play holding off subs till the last few hours.:)
Congrats to the winning team of Australia !!!
Congrats to them , cause they are committed to having fun !!!
Congrats to them , cause they are a true TEAM !!!
Congrats to them , cause they show what team spirit and national pride , really means !!!
A well deserved 4th in a row !!!
nicely said tasos, but what you said is true , thats why they win, they bench as a team not individuals, thats the key
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