y-cruncher - Pi-2.5b Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with y-cruncher - Pi-2.5b

As y-cruncher - Pi-2.5b can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 39sec 368ms
oc_donz1ral 20 7300 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 15.0
2. 39sec 747ms
Splave 20 7400 MHz Core i7 14700K Liquid Nitrogen 0.0 10.0
3. 45sec 135ms
Phantom 20 6000 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 7.0
4. 47sec 48ms
belowambient 20 5900 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 6.0
5. 50sec 750ms
StingerYar 20 5801 MHz Core i7 14700K Water (Custom) 0.0 5.0
6. 53sec 668ms
Kindachi 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 4.8
7. 55sec 165ms
Mr_Boh 20 5500 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 4.6
8. 56sec 348ms
GPUWORLD 20 5500 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 4.4
9. 56sec 440ms
zenki14 20 5500 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 4.2
10. 59sec 909ms
ShrimpBrime 20 5700 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 4.0
11. 1min 1sec 166ms
hayden0523 20 5700 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 3.8
12. 1min 1sec 385ms
Kathum 20 5486 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 3.6
13. 1min 16sec 802ms
myphsto 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 3.4