wPrime - 32m Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with wPrime - 32m

As wPrime - 32m can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score Team Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling TGPP THWPP
1. 23sec 415ms
Cowcotland 2 3400 MHz Celeron T3300 0 6.3
2. 25sec 554ms
Warp9-systems 2 3020 MHz Celeron T3300 Air (Custom) 0 5.0
3. 38sec 798ms
HW Legend OC 2 2000 MHz Celeron T3300 Air (Custom) 0 3.8
4. 39sec 187ms
Overclockers.UA 2 1994 MHz Celeron T3300 Air (Stock) 0 2.5
5. 39sec 390ms
Overclock.pl Team 2 1994 MHz Celeron T3300 0 1.9
6. 39sec 923ms
ReHWolution OC Team 2 1995 MHz Celeron T3300 Air (Stock) 0 1.8
7. 1min 17sec 594ms
PeruES 2 1994 MHz Celeron T3300 Air (Stock) 0 1.8