VRMark - Cyan Room Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with VRMark - Cyan Room

As VRMark - Cyan Room can make use of multiple videocards, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 12803 marks
Adam33k 1 2145/2070 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Water (Custom) 0.0 15.0
2. 12799 marks
delly 1 2120/2000 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Air (Custom) 0.0 10.0
3. 12563 marks
joe_cool 1 2130/2000 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Water (Custom) 0.0 7.0
4. 11957 marks
kintaro 1 2070/2100 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Air (Stock) 0.0 6.0
5. 11430 marks
Traktor 1 2080/8300 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Air (Stock) 0.0 5.0
6. 11306 marks
petervandamned 1 GeForce RTX 2080 Air (Stock) 0.0 4.8
7. 6598 marks
Speedy22 1 1900/1950 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Air (Custom) 0.0 4.6
8. 2752 marks
StingerYar 1 1910/1900 MHz GeForce RTX 2080 Air (Custom) 0.0 4.4