Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score
17023 points
World record on Nov 25
Submissions this month
Submissions this week

Benchmark ranking overview

As Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score is multithreaded, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use. Please select a ranking.

Benchmark Overall Best Rankings
Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score - 0x MEM - DDR2 SDRAM 2000 points Rankings
Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score - 0x MEM - DDR3 SDRAM 5194 points Rankings
Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score - 0x MEM - DDR4 SDRAM United States12832 points Rankings
Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score - 0x MEM - DDR5 SDRAM Norway17023 points Rankings
Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score - 0x MEM - FB-DIMM DRAM Russian Federation665 points Rankings

Geekbench3 - Memory Single Core Score World Record History