Cinebench - R23 Multi Core with BenchMate Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with Cinebench - R23 Multi Core with BenchMate

As Cinebench - R23 Multi Core with BenchMate can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 50194 cb
oc_donz1ral 20 7622 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 35.0
2. 50165 cb
Splave 20 7600 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 28.0
3. 40572 cb
Phantom 20 6100 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 23.0
4. 39283 cb
barnassters 20 5900 MHz Core i7 14700K Water (Custom) 0.0 20.0
5. 39268 cb
belowambient 20 5839 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 19.0
6. 38904 cb
ShrimpBrime 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 18.0
7. 38729 cb
Hequaqua 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 17.0
8. 38624 cb
SithWrld999 20 5900 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 16.0
9. 38620 cb
Kindachi 20 6000 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 15.0
10. 38444 cb
StingerYar 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K Water (Custom) 0.0 14.8
11. 38403 cb
pykis 20 5902 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 14.6
12. 38159 cb
philip park 20 5700 MHz Core i7 14700K AIO Water 0.0 14.4
13. 37482 cb
DerBrain 20 5700 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 14.2
14. 37476 cb
core5 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 14.0
15. 37001 cb
Flaxms 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 13.8
16. 37000 cb
Fuselinio 20 5728 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 13.6
17. 36850 cb
cixxkiller 20 5600 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 13.4
18. 36724 cb
seb777 20 5586 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 13.2
19. 36419 cb
myphsto 20 5800 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 13.0
20. 36407 cb
Tatouille 20 5600 MHz Core i7 14700K 0.0 12.8