Cinebench - R20 Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with Cinebench - R20

As Cinebench - R20 can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 4595 cb
Antifreeze 12 4800 MHz 5520 2.0 6.0
2. 4559 cb
Dark_Angel_Kira 12 4758 MHz 5520 Air (Stock) 2.0 15.0
3. 4314 cb
max1024 12 4472 MHz 5520 Air (Custom) 2.0 4.0
4. 4278 cb
Apprisco 12 4551 MHz 5520 Air (Stock) 2.0 6.0
5. 4183 cb
zesen 12 4422 MHz 5520 2.0 5.0
6. 3530 cb
skulstation 12 3704 MHz 5520 2.0 6.0
7. 3475 cb
radovanslav 12 3672 MHz 5520 Air (Custom) 2.0 4.8
8. 3140 cb
hovercat 12 3716 MHz 5520 2.0 4.0
9. 2706 cb
delvechio212 12 5520 Air (Stock) 2.0 2.6
10. 2338 cb
Dark_Angel_Kira 6 4836 MHz 5520 Air (Stock) 2.0 10.0
11. 2210 cb
skulstation 8 3901 MHz 5520 2.0 6.0