Cinebench - 2003 Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with Cinebench - 2003

As Cinebench - 2003 can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 4929 cb
Dead Things 4 5298 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC Air (Stock) 0.0 28.0
2. 4584 cb
ViNsTeR777 4 4998 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC 0.0 22.8
3. 4414 cb
RedundancyMaster 4 4800 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC Air (Stock) 0.0 19.2
4. 4411 cb
Prathamesh Patil 4 4798 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC Air (Stock) 0.0 12.4
5. 4117 cb
Dhemon 4 4500 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC Air (Stock) 0.0 15.0
6. 2692 cb
xeniumh 2 5300 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC Air (Stock) 0.0 25.4