3DMark - Time Spy Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 3DMark - Time Spy

As 3DMark - Time Spy can make use of multiple videocards, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score Team Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling TGPP THWPP
1. 350 marks
Hardware Canucks 1 1750/1250 MHz HD Graphics 4600 AIO Water 0 6.9
2. 328 marks
Enthusiasts of United States 1 1663/1200 MHz HD Graphics 4600 AIO Water 0 5.5
3. 315 marks
Team Brazil 1 1700/1600 MHz HD Graphics 4600 Water (Custom) 0 4.1
4. 287 marks
XtremeOverdrive OC team Italy 1 350/1200 MHz HD Graphics 4600 Air (Custom) 0 2.8
5. 271 marks
Donald Nemesis 1 1550/800 MHz HD Graphics 4600 Air (Custom) 0 2.1
6. 244 marks
Enthusiasts of Taiwan 1 HD Graphics 4600 0 2.0
7. 243 marks
Team MLG 1 350/800 MHz HD Graphics 4600 Air (Stock) 0 1.9
8. 242 marks
Overclock.net 1 HD Graphics 4600 Air (Custom) 0 1.9
9. 241 marks
Not Exact In Round 1 1200 MHz HD Graphics 4600 Air (Custom) 0 1.8
10. 207 marks
Team Finland 1 HD Graphics 4600 Air (Stock) 0 1.8