3DMark2001 SE Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 3DMark2001 SE

As 3DMark2001 SE can make use of multiple videocards, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1. 56072 marks
alibabar 1 626/805 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Water (Custom) 0.0 35.0
2. 55478 marks
pasatoiutd 1 595/780 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Custom) 0.0 28.0
3. 54035 marks
OCPerformance 1 700/702 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Water (Custom) 0.0 23.0
4. 52987 marks
max1024 1 519/1385 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 20.0
5. 51777 marks
sebro 1 790/750 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 19.0
6. 51661 marks
macsbeach98 1 GeForce 7800 GS Water (Custom) 0.0 18.0
7. 48003 marks
Matti OC 1 620/800 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 17.0
8. 46814 marks
Drazendead 1 717/718 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 16.0
9. 44103 marks
PCGH_Carsten 1 650/750 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 15.0
10. 44072 marks
Bwanasoft 1 620/700 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 0.0
11. 43716 marks
Moose83 1 500/1375 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 14.6
12. 40231 marks
LordHelmchen 1 540/823 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Custom) 0.0 14.4
13. 40076 marks
neobibi 1 710/735 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 2.0 14.2
14. 40004 marks
grunion 1 495/815 MHz GeForce 7800 GS 2.0 14.0
15. 39255 marks
PowerToTheUsers 1 440/775 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Custom) 0.0 13.8
16. 38347 marks
Wolfnyght - exceleram team 1 460/650 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 13.6
17. 37094 marks
Desmofan89 1 600/715 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 2.0 13.4
18. 36990 marks
Lippokratis 1 675/770 MHz GeForce 7800 GS 0.0 13.2
19. 35740 marks
phill 1 580/740 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 0.0 13.0
20. 34934 marks
Hikizume 1 600/700 MHz GeForce 7800 GS Air (Stock) 2.0 12.8