3DMark11 - Entry Hall Of Fame

Records achieved with 3DMark11 - Entry

As 3DMark11 - Entry can make use of multiple videocards, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Score Team Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling TGPP THWPP
21. 11122 marks
ARX INDONESIA 1 1095/1500 MHz Radeon HD 7850 Air (Custom) 10.2 2.1
22. 10312 marks
KOC2 - Indonesia 1 975/1200 MHz Radeon HD 7850 Air (Stock) 0 2.1
23. 9546 marks
Overclock.pl Team 1 1150/1262 MHz Radeon HD 7850 Air (Custom) 0 2.1
24. 9155 marks
Australia OC 1 Radeon HD 7850 Air (Stock) 0 2.1
25. 8859 marks
ScrapOC 1 1050/1310 MHz Radeon HD 7850 Air (Custom) 0 2.1
26. 8798 marks
ExtremeHW 1 Radeon HD 7850 Air (Stock) 0 2.0