Submission Details


- Enthusiast League

3466.79 MHz mit Intel Core i3 370M at 3466.8MHz

Ranglisten Position


Globale Rangliste


Core i3 370M Rang:

Cup Gold 1st von 48

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


verfication image
CPU Frequency screenshot
Verifikations URL, Bilder, Checksumme

Hardware Details

CPU Details

Arbeitsspeicher Details

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  • Geschwindigkeit: Mhz / Mhz (Bestand)

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Neueste Kommentare

GermanyHyperhorn sagt:

I'm fine with you beating my result, but I am very confused about the result details. How did you manage to run this CPU at an astonishing multiplier value of x26? All results I've seen yet were achieved with x18, the stock multiplier for the default frequency of 2,400 MHz. According to Intel this chip doesn't support Turbo technology:

So either you have found an amazing way to unlock higher multipliers or the result is not correct.

GENiEBEN sagt:

I noticed it too, really curious about this.

AfghanistanAsadSAAD sagt:

Priv8 Method Guys


GENiEBEN sagt:

Priv8 Method Guys


Send details to any moderator of your choosing, as this method is suspicious to say the least.

GermanyMoose83 sagt:

This^^ Good choise Hwbot :celebration:

ArgentinaSweet sagt:

I'm fine with you beating my result, but I am very confused about the result details. How did you manage to run this CPU at an astonishing multiplier value of x26? All results I've seen yet were achieved with x18, the stock multiplier for the default frequency of 2,400 MHz. According to Intel this chip doesn't support Turbo technology:

So either you have found an amazing way to unlock higher multipliers or the result is not correct.


Yep, thats incredible or maybe I dont understand x18 = x26 :eek:


merry Xtmas

AfghanistanAsadSAAD sagt:

That`s incredible and I could do that. I was saying and I say Again: This is my Priv8 method and after submit some new record with another CPU like that, Maybe give another information for this Reason (highest multiplier changing).

Anyway, you can send the details to any moderator and I don`t have any problem for that. Please attention: I can Manage the CPU in x26 Multiplier and That`s it. the main problem for doing the Stress Test = Temperature.

I am working to find the best solution for increasing temp without any phase changing method. and if I can`t find the anther way, I will using the phase changing method.


Good luck

Strunkenbold sagt:

This is probably just bugged. If you really unlocked your cpu, you could atleast raise multi to 19x or 20x and show us some results. I dont think you need a ss for this small bump than.

ArgentinaSweet sagt:

AsadSaad, my friend, use you for this , unlocked Bios (modded Bios ) ?, please send to Genieben or to me or any moderator with your explain for your method, Thanks so much. :)

klopcha sagt:

Result approved?

GermanynoAIMnoSKILLnoKILL sagt:

Would be curious too if it was approved now or if he still insists on "trust me bro"

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