Intel XTU: Share

Grelax`s Intel Core i5-4670K CPU at 4600.0MHz with an Z87-G43 (MS-7816) motherboard

HW details of configuration

Brand String Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Family Haswell
Logical CPU Cores 4
Microcode Update 0x19
Physical CPU Cores 4
Possible Turbo Bins Unlimited
Turbo Overclockable True
Operating System
Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
Name Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Service Pack Service Pack 1
Version 6.1.7601
Manufacturer MSI
Model Z87-G43 (MS-7816)
Version 1.0
Total Installed Memory 8.00 GB
Manufacturer 1315
Default Speed 1600 MHz
Device Locator ChannelA-DIMM1
Capacity 8.00 GB
Bank Label BANK 1
Compatibility Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
DAC Type Internal DAC(400MHz)
Driver Date 10/8/2013
Driver Version
Name AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
RAM 3.00 GB
Manufacturer American Megatrends Inc.
Release Date 5/29/2014
Version V1.8

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