Submission Details


- Apprentice League

14970 marks with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 at 1698/1845MHz

Ranking position


Global 1x GPU rank:


GeForce GTX 780 rank:

Medal 5th out of 240

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Media gallery

3DMark - Fire Strike screenshot
B550 Aorus Pro
B550 Aorus Pro
Verification URL, image, checksum

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Recent Comments

CanadaNegative_Feedback commented on his own score:

So close, yet so far from 3rd. Gotta give Afrom1 props tho, I had to work hard to get this close. I'm still gunning for 3rd, so I'll be back. 780 DCUII modded via the hotwire points (ugly soldering job but they work, so they'll prolly stay like that). 1.51 Vcore (load) and 1.75 Vmem.

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