Submission Details


- Extreme League

720.67 MHz avec GIGABYTE GA-EP45T-Extreme à 720.7MHz

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GA-EP45T-Extreme classement:

Points earned for overclocker league

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  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

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Commentaires récents

AustraliaKaRtA a commenté son propre score:

I tried and tried and tried, but there is just no more to give on this board or the CPU's on hand.

Australiaginger_nuts81 dit :

Fantastic job dude, such an awesome result.

United KingdomNoxinite dit :

I better get some LN2. :P

TaPaKaH dit :

720 on single stage is fucking amazing. If board has headroom, you might actually crack the WR on LN2.

AustraliaKaRtA dit :

I don’t think so man. Tried a E8600 that binned pretty well and hit the same spot (715-718) so think it’s about the top for this board. 


Cpu actually went to 725 but froze. I don’t think LN2 will improve it, but if I have any left near the end I might retry again with this chip. Single stage runs around -55

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