Submission Details


- Extreme League

5min 10sec 547ms avec Intel Pentium G3258 à 6076MHz

Position dans le classement


WR Rank:

717th sur un total de 8963


Classement général:

717th sur un total de 8963


Pentium G3258 classement:

46th sur un total de 292

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
SuperPi - 32M screenshot
GA-Z97X-SOC Force
GA-Z97X-SOC Force

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

  • Modèle: Intel Pentium G3258 'Haswell-DT'
  • Refroidissement: Liquid Nitrogen
  • Cores: 6 076MHz(+89.87%)(ref/imc/qpi: 100//MHz)

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

Australiagazza30 dit :

nice one mate.

AustraliaJunkDogg dit :

Nice one dude. No cas6?

Australianewlife dit :

Thanks guys it's always nice when you can run 32m with a higher core clock than pretty much everything else but 1m which it's only 20mhz from


Nice one dude. No cas6?

Yeah it could post it but I wasn't able to get it stable although i didn't use TIM and the mems aren't anything special and were as cheap as you can get them for

dit :

Nice one newlife

Australianewlife dit :

Cheers man.


If I ever give this ago again (no dewar) I think I should be able to get C6 to run based on how some stuff got posted on the team thread which would have helped me a lot if I knew before hand also cpu can't stand 2600+ on ambient. It runs RTLs IOLs at 40/41 5/5 2600 c8 with cpu on water but with cpu cold that changes to 39/40 4/4 and at 2666 c7 37/38 4/4

AustraliaJunkDogg dit :

Cheers man.


If I ever give this ago again (no dewar) I think I should be able to get C6 to run based on how some stuff got posted on the team thread which would have helped me a lot if I knew before hand also cpu can't stand 2600+ on ambient. It runs RTLs IOLs at 40/41 5/5 2600 c8 with cpu on water but with cpu cold that changes to 39/40 4/4 and at 2666 c7 37/38 4/4


Check Bull's runs on our effiency thread mate. That should show you where to 'lock' your RTL's in for ambient and cold.


Shame the IMC on that chip.

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