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- Apprentice League

300.7 MHz avec DDR SD-RAM à 300.7MHz

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DDR SD-RAM classement:

Points earned for overclocker league

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Détails matériel

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Détails mémoire

  • Manufacturer: ADATA
  • Produit: Vitesta
  • Refroidissement: Air (Custom)
  • Type: 256MB DDR SD-RAM
  • Fréquence: @ 301MHz
  • Chronomètres 3-6-6-15

Détails carte graphique

  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed dit :

Finally someone else reached the same freq, lol.

Wonder if higher is possible, even 0.1MHz.

United StatesMr.Scott dit :

Finally someone else reached the same freq, lol.

Wonder if higher is possible, even 0.1MHz.


Tried....many times. Actually had 300.9 on the screen and F7'ed. Still validated at 300.7. No idea why. Not fast enough on the trigger maybe.

dit :

Maybe try to put this motherboard to LN2 (LOL) to minimize every little resistances, inductances and conductances. :P We know how it hurts - no way to pass this 0.1 MHz. Keep pushin'! :) Seriously - try LN2 on NB or single stage or even TEC, it may help :) Maybe adding a lot small capacitors with very low ESR would also help (on vNB, vMEM and vRefMem). I have no more ideas...


BTW. what kind of black caps you have here? Are these black-painted in manufacturing process or this is a visual-mod?

United StatesMr.Scott dit :


BTW. what kind of black caps you have here? Are these black-painted in manufacturing process or this is a visual-mod?


LOL. It's a long story.

I had a few AN7's at one time. This one I got off e-bay for dirt cheap. Everything was painted in florescent paint by what appeared to be a 2 year old. It clocked better than my other ones so I kept it, but couldn't stand to even look at it. So I covered all the paint with a black permanent marker. It made it more palatable to me. Vain?; maybe, but at least it doesn't hurt to look at anymore.

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