Submission Details


- Extreme League

3188.3 MHz avec AMD Geode NX 1500@6W à 3188.3MHz

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Classement général:


Geode NX 1500@6W classement:

Cup Silver 2nd sur un total de 22

Points earned for overclocker league

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  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

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Commentaires récents

Italysburnolo dit :

Always the best,congratulations!


BulgariaI.nfraR.ed dit :

I was surprised it went that high and scaled all the way up to the max voltage from bios.

3.2GHz should be possible and with vcore mod to 2.4-2.5V might get even higher :D dit :

What did this cpu do max on air?

Russian FederationTerraRaptor dit :

On 9/24/2014 at 8:15 PM, I.nfraR.ed said:

and with vcore mod to 2.4-2.5V might get even higher

Wouldn't that high voltage kill the chip even with full pot? Haven't tried >2.25v with single stage, though even 2.25v is an overkill for SS.

BulgariaI.nfraR.ed dit :

Possibly yes, I don't recommend it. It was a suicide and I was aware of potential loss of hardware.

Especially on non-ceramic Athlons.


21 hours ago, said:

What did this cpu do max on air?

Just for reference - I don't have it noted, but if I have to assume, knowing how they scale on cold, probably 2600-2700 valid with ~2V. dit :

That is a great score for air for these chips. 

I had several chips on 2.2v on water (just cpuz), below zero I would dare to go to 2.4v at least.

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