Submission Details


- Extreme League

2901.75 pps mit Intel Celeron 925 (mobile) at 4764MHz

Ranglisten Position


WR Rang:

7028th von 9183


Globaler 1x CPU Rang:

17th von 568


Celeron 925 (mobile) Rang:

Cup Gold 1st von 6

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


HWBOT Prime screenshot
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Hardware Details

CPU Details

Arbeitsspeicher Details

VGA Details

  • Geschwindigkeit: Mhz / Mhz (Bestand)

Mainboard Details

  • Hersteller: ASUS
  • Model: G50VT
  • Kühlung: Liquid Nitrogen
  • Chipsatz: PM45

Festplatten Details

Netzteil Details

  • Hersteller: ASUS
  • Netzteil: 230 Watt

Neueste Kommentare

Chinawytiwx sagt:

Crazy stuff comes again xD. Many mods for this points: VID mod, Vcore mod, Vccp(also Vnb) mod, Vmem mod, Mem spd mod, Vcca(Vpll) mod. Used CPU pot, NB pot, and Mem pot. Still FSB limited, higher than previous though. Another stuff in this:, you may like it :)

IranMJ_Motamedi sagt:


modman :D

ItalyMat_Agnesi sagt:

I'm Just thinking: Who win between a Celeron 925 and Xeon L3014 at the same Frequency ??


Seems that Celeron is better.


A lot of mod here... more than my rig. I haven't performed vmem mod.

I think the limit is still the Chipset.. or not ?


I see 1.550 Volt Voltage, what is this? the CPU voltage ?


Chinawytiwx sagt:

I'm Just thinking: Who win between a Celeron 925 and Xeon L3014 at the same Frequency ??


Seems that Celeron is better.


A lot of mod here... more than my rig. I haven't performed vmem mod.

I think the limit is still the Chipset.. or not ?


I see 1.550 Volt Voltage, what is this? the CPU voltage ?


In fact I did Socket BSEL mod too, FSB 800 to 1066.


Vccp mod is the key to get high FSB, Vcca mod and Vmem mod seems not so helpful, my Samsung Memory don't like high Voltage.


FSB limited more probably by CPU, I think. I have other CM 925, one can do FSB 383MHz Max on air and 405Mhz by LN2; one only do 336MHz on air. This nice chip can do FSB 392 Max on air :D

Chinawytiwx sagt:

1.55V Vcore idle

Iranamirhosein sagt:

holy crap ---------------nice wei ----------u'r my man ;)

ItalyMat_Agnesi sagt:

In fact I did Socket BSEL mod too, FSB 800 to 1066.


Vccp mod is the key to get high FSB, Vcca mod and Vmem mod seems not so helpful, my Samsung Memory don't like high Voltage.


FSB limited more probably by CPU, I think. I have other CM 925, one can do FSB 383MHz Max on air and 405Mhz by LN2; one only do 336MHz on air. This nice chip can do FSB 392 Max on air :D


I confirm, The north bridge voltage is the most important thing even in my rig.


So you are limited by the FSB Wall of the CPU ??

Chinawytiwx sagt:

So you are limited by the FSB Wall of the CPU ??


I guess so, just like many E2140/E2160 and E5200 stop at 300~400 FSB, and different CM 925 do different Max FSB on my mobo

ItalyGRIFF sagt:

Very very good, but attempt for my score )))

Chinawytiwx sagt:

Very very good, but attempt for my score )))


You can defeat me easily, my chip has tried its best :)

ItalyGRIFF sagt:

In any case, a great result and very hard modifications.

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