Submission Details

- Extreme League

8min 53sec 704ms avec Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 à 5383.6MHz

Position dans le classement


WR Rank:

4760th sur un total de 8962


Classement général:

4760th sur un total de 8962


Core 2 Extreme QX9650 classement:

33rd sur un total de 184

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
SuperPi - 32M screenshot
Rampage Extreme
Rampage Extreme

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

  • Refroidissement: Air (Custom)
  • Type: unknown

Détails carte graphique

  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

BelgiumMassman dit :

Heartbeat monitor? :D

Philippinesdhenzjhen dit :

cpu heartbeat monitor? lol nice nice!!!

Germanyteurorist dit :

:) no it's the hard beat from the rampage ^^

and there are strong beats from load to no load 0.05v drop :D


only improvement it's faster then a v meter and it tells why so much from the super caps died in the past a bit more v and i hit trough the 2v and with ripple it's even more


but this wasn't maximum performance there is a other qx9650 which was travelling trough Germany and now it's mine let's see what happens with this one and ln2

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