Submission Details

- Extreme League

18sec 800ms avec Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 à 4950MHz

Position dans le classement


Classement général:


Core 2 Quad Q6600 classement:

7th sur un total de 518

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
PiFast screenshot
Rampage Extreme
Rampage Extreme

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

  • Refroidissement: Air (Stock)
  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

CanadaExpat GriZ dit :

Nice one Knut!! Don't have a heart attack with all those points at once...... :)


TaPaKaH dit :

lol, you've taken one of the hardest 2D records at your bootup clocks and hardly any tweaks :D

got any backups?

Norwayknopflerbruce dit :

No backups, but I'll rerun it later on a better OS (this one is beat to death, and I don't think it was well tweaked to begin with...). THEN I'll have backups :P Fought for 2h trying to get #3 spi1m, but the one time I got it I got a BSOD before I could save the screenshot:(


Edit: It's not THAT inefficient, is it? I'm about 10 MHz CPu speed behind you Sam, and from what I can see you don't have worse memory performance than me at least:p


The chip is easy to work with though, FSB-wall is pretty hard. I know what it can do, and I know what it can't... hehe.

Christian Ney dit :

damn you are as lucky I am :D


Really good job knut

United StatesHondacity dit :

very nice :D

Norwayknopflerbruce dit :

Thank youuuuuu:D

Germanyaslanwas dit :

which ram did you use on RE ? I tried few BBSE or PSC no, but no way! Hyper, or nothing else than Micron D9Gxx?

Norwayknopflerbruce dit :

which ram did you use on RE ? I tried few BBSE or PSC no, but no way! Hyper, or nothing else than Micron D9Gxx?


I think OCZ Blade for this one. Used some CSX Diablos before, just thought I'bd see if the hypers worked well, too.

United StatesHondacity dit :

good info bro....thanks

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