Submission Details


- Elite League

7195.53 MHz mit Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X at 7195.5MHz

Ranglisten Position


WR Rang:

495th von 15978


Globale Rangliste

495th von 15977


Core i7 Extreme 980X Rang:

Cup Silver 2nd von 341

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league


verfication image
CPU Frequency screenshot
Verifikations URL, Bilder, Checksumme

Hardware Details

CPU Details

Arbeitsspeicher Details

  • Kühlung: Air (Stock)
  • Typ: unknown

VGA Details

  • Kühlung: Air (Stock)
  • Geschwindigkeit: Mhz / Mhz (Bestand)

Mainboard Details

Festplatten Details

Netzteil Details

  • Netzteil: 1.000 Watt

Neueste Kommentare

Argentinanacho_arroyo Kommentierte sein eigenes Ergebnis:

Gigabyte x58a-oc + Intel core i7 980x @ OCZ FREEZE @ SF3D CPU POT + Sentey gsp1000-sm

DenmarkRasmus66 sagt:



Nice cpu you got there.

Christian Ney sagt:

Frontpage for sure


You are a killer, I told you, you got Andre Yang's CPU ;)


Kill all WRs man

Argentinanacho_arroyo sagt:

hahahaha, thanks ! :)

IranExtreme sagt:

WOw 7.2 HT ON !! U R Amazing Nacho ! Congrats .

Panamachucupis sagt:

Amazing nacho really close to 7.2ghz try to get it


best regards

TaPaKaH sagt:

such BCLK and mem is not typical for suicide runs, are you sure it's not bugged high (like it sometimes happens on 1366) ?

Christian Ney sagt:

such BCLK and mem is not typical for suicide runs, are you sure it's not bugged high (like it sometimes happens on 1366) ?


cause this is not the suicide one, more is coming :)

Argentinanacho_arroyo sagt:

yes , i am sure, i have another CPUZ VAL, with less VTT-VDIMM-VCORE, if u want to check it , here u are:



GermanyAfrokalle sagt:

Some chips need thight memory to find sweetspot (i had a W3565 need CAS7 for high clocks - C8+ not as good....) but 2320MHz with trcd7 is more then strong. Some OCZ Blade could do it for sure but it is a crazy combination.


If i see your other 2D score's i think that chip can do more in 3D (~6700MHz) - keep pushing..

Argentinanacho_arroyo sagt:

Yes, i have some 3D at high clocks, but in 3d03, 05 and 01, my score aren't good, i need to learn too much more for 3d, but for this , i need VGAs, i killed all my 580gtx ( 4 ). I can't buy more.



Argentinanacho_arroyo sagt:

Some chips need thight memory to find sweetspot (i had a W3565 need CAS7 for high clocks - C8+ not as good....) but 2320MHz with trcd7 is more then strong. Some OCZ Blade could do it for sure but it is a crazy combination.


If i see your other 2D score's i think that chip can do more in 3D (~6700MHz) - keep pushing..


Look this thread :

AustraliaDinos22 sagt:

damn, well done man!

AustraliaDinos22 sagt:

are you sure 1160 7-7-7- is possible though

Germanyaslanwas sagt:

impressive combination!!

DenmarkMACY overclocking sagt:

Very great ;) Come here and I will borrow you the VGA's you need :D

ArgentinaSweet sagt:

This had to happen, nacho + 980x cpu + Gigabyte x58-oc = perfect combination.


Step by step, you grow in this sport., congratz


You win two box of stellas, but here in baires :D




Edit: VGAs coming, maybe ? :)

FranceCtrlFix sagt:


FranceRady sagt:

big respect !!


nice job ! and very good cpu !

Russian FederationMefist0 sagt:

Mega awesome!

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