Galaxy GeForce GTX 470 GC Overclocking

The writer seems very enthousiastic about this card: excellent overclockability, a cooling solution that is less noisy and better heat transfer and also an software oc tool that works flawless.

This overclock wouldn't have been achieved if it wasn't for the Galaxy R&D team working hard on creating a cooling solution that was going to make the card better. Honestly, what they've done to the GTX 470 is just disturbing; they've really fixed up the initial issues we had with the reference one when it comes to heat and noise levels which in turn has given us more head room when it came to overclocking. Throw in the fact that we could overclock higher with less noise and less heat and this is just a simply fantastic model. Not only can we not wait to see what other companies do with the GTX 470, but what we really can't wait for is what Galaxy does with the GTX 480. If what we're seeing today is anything to go by, there's a real reason to get excited about the GTX 480.

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